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2012届 分类号:F713                  单位代码:10452 专业论文       当代大学生消费行为特点和影响因素研究 姓 名 贾方晓        学 号 200818630343        年 级 2008级        专 业 工商管理        系 (院)商学院        指导教师 张树亮 2012年4月20日 摘 要 随着人们生活水平的提高,人们的消费观念也发生了变化,并且这种变化也渗透到了校园。在消费群体中,年轻人是其主力军,大学生是一个特殊的消费群体,他们的消费指数必然会对社会经济产生一定的影响,大学生消费是指高等院校学生在学习生活过程中,为了满足自身的需要,对物质产品及精神产品的消耗。本文对当代大学生的消费行为进行分析,描述大学生消费的现状,总结出大学生消费有以下特点:消费不平衡性、快速性、攀比性、从众性、超前性、以及消费节奏加快、男女生的消费水平和消费结构不同等等。造成这些特点影响因素有家庭,社会和学校的因素,以及学生自身的因素,另外政府部门的管理工作和广告传媒的作用也是非常大的。大学生有一个良好的消费观念对于建设和谐社会的意义非常大,这需要社会各界人士的共同努力,既要提高大学生的生活水平,又要引导他们一个正确的消费观念。 关键词:大学生;消费行为;特点;影响因素 ABSTRACT With the improvement of living standards, peoples consumption concept has changed and this change also penetrated into the campus. Consumer groups, young people are its main force, college students are a special consumer groups, the consumer price index will inevitably have some impact on socio-economic, university students consumption refers to the university students in the school life, in order to meet the their own needs, the consumption of material goods and spiritual products. College students consumption behavior, describing the status of the Students Consumption, summed up the Students Consumption has the following characteristics: the consumption of consumer imbalance, rapid comparisons, herd, ahead of time, and consumption, accelerate the pace, male and female students level and consumption structure and so on. Factors affect these characteristics of family, social and school factors, and factors of the students, other departmental administration and advertising role of the media is also very large. Students have a good concept of consumption is very large significance for building a harmonious society, which requires the joint efforts of the community, it is necessary to improve the living standards of college students, but also to guide them a correct concept of consumption. Key wor


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