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True Height * * Text A 真正的高度 Unit Five Book 2 Summary Summary 迈克尔自从能记事起就一直梦想着飞翔。他母亲故事中的细节使得迈克尔的梦境色彩缤纷、绚丽无比。从14岁起,迈克尔在父亲督导下开始非常周密的训练。他父亲的格言是:要想有所收获,就得努力工作(奋斗)!在全国少年奥林匹克运动会上,他超越了个人最好成绩、获得了冠军、并创造了新的世界记录。迈克尔的成功当然/显然都是对他刻苦努力的回报。但是人们最惊讶的是他是位盲人。迈克尔的故事告诉我们获得成功的两个重要因素:梦想或想象力和严格训练或努力奋斗。 Summary 1. 迈克尔自从能记事起就一直梦想着飞翔。他母亲故事中的细节使得迈克尔的梦境色彩缤纷、绚丽无比。 As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying. The details in his mother’s stories made his dreams full of color and beauty. Summary 2. 从14岁起,迈克尔在父亲督导下开始非常周密的训练。他父亲的格言是:要想有所收获,就得努力工作(奋斗)! From the age of 14, Michael began a very careful training program monitored by his father. His father’s motto: If you want something, work for it. Summary 3. 在全国少年奥林匹克运动会上,他超越了个人最好成绩、获得了冠军、并创造了新的世界记录。 At the National Junior Olympics, Michael surpassed his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record. Summary 4. 迈克尔的成功当然/显然都是对他刻苦努力的回报。但是人们最惊讶的是他是位盲人。 Michael’s success was, of course, the reward for his hard work. But people were most surprised by the fact that he is blind. Summary 5. 迈克尔的故事告诉我们获得成功的两个重要因素:梦想或想象力和严格训练或努力奋斗。 Michael’s story tells us two most important factors for success --- dream or imagination, tough training or hard work. As long as Michael could remember he had always dreamed of flying. The details in his mother’s stories made his dreams full of color and beauty. From the age of 14, Michael began a very careful training program monitored by his father. His father’s motto: If you want something, work for it. At the National Junior Olympics, Michael surpassed his personal best, won the championship and set a new world record. Michael’s success was, of course, the reward for his hard work. But people were most surprised by the fact that he is blind. Michael’s story tells us two most important factors for success --- dream or imagination, tough training or hard work. Summary *


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