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IWPE ’99 Jinan Total Normalized Productive Maintenance--- TNPM 全员规范化生产维修 李葆文 Li Baowen 广州大学 Guangzhou University 广州,小北登峰麓景路,510091 IWPE ’99 Jinan 什么是TPM? What is TPM ? 全效率 O E E 全系统 Whole System 全 员 All Members Participating TPM大行动 TPM ACTION 空间、时间全系统 SPACE,TIME,THE WHOLE SYSTEM 设备管理靠全员 ALL MEMBERS PARTICIPATING 提高效率才成功 SUCCESS RELIES ON OEE INCLRESING What is The Most Difficult Point to Implement TPM in China ? 什么是在中国推行TPM的最难点? 全 员参加 All Members Participating “ 全员” 这一理念对不对? “ All members participating”, right or wrong? 有人说:“ 设备维修是维修工人的事,这么先进的设备让只会操作的操作工人去维修,简直是胡闹!” Somebody said:” It is a nonsense that the advanced equipment is repaired by the operator who knows only operating” We need to change our traditional thinking pattern ! 我们应该改变传统的心智模式! What effects our thinking pattern? 什么影响着我们的心智模式? 经验,教训, 历史, 习惯,理论…… experience, teaching, history, habit, theory, …… “ Clear to zero.” Let’ s change our thinking pattern . 让我们改变自己的心智模式。 不断的使自己思想进入“ 归零” 状态。 EVEN ANIMAL HAS HIS THINKING PATERN. 即使动物都有自己的心智模式 什么拴住了大象? WHAT FASTENS THE PITY ELEPHANT? 是细细的绳子和棍子? IS THE THIN ROPE OR BAR? NO!不是! THE THINKING PATERN OF THE ELEPHANT! 是大象的心智模式! What is the failure? 什么是故障? 故障的语源:故障是人 故 意使 设备产生 障 碍的。 According to the linguistic source of “ failure” in Chinese, it is the people who break down the machine on purpose. Worker is the mother of the machine, machine is a baby who can not say. 工人是设备的母亲,设备是不会说话的婴儿。 如果每个员工象母亲对待自己不会说话的婴 儿那样对待和关心设备,设备就是健康宝宝。 If the operator is concerned with and pay close attention to his equipment like the mother toward her son, then the equipment will certainly be a healthy baby. 故障是冰山的顶峰。 The failure is the peak of an iceberg. failure 故障 dirt 脏污 heating 发热 vibrating 振动 leaking 滴漏 loosen


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