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四级冲刺备考经验交流 邹佳 2010.12.7 四级考试题型: 第一部分:Writing(写作) 第二部分:Fast Reading(快速阅读) 第三分:Listening Comprehension(听力) 第四部分:Reading Comprehension (选词填空阅读理解) 第五部分:Cloze(完形填空) 第六部分:Translation (翻译) 写作应注意的问题 一般为说明文、议论文、书信 1.语句通顺流畅,没有严重的语法错误。 (Fluent) 2.单词要正确拼写,多使用熟悉的的单词。 (Right) 3.注意句与句之间的衔接,段与段的联系,连接词要使用得当。(Connection) 4.多写一些四级的词汇和使文章润色的句子。(Sweet) 5.注意时间的安排。(Time) 6.字迹工整,卷面整洁(Clear) 写作中常用的句型和连接词 1.as we all know, 2.with the development of science and technology, 3.frankly/generally speaking,(坦白的说/一般来说) 4.in a word/in brief/to the whole/in short/all in all 5.firstly,secondly,then,what’s more, the most but not the last(最重要的一点但不是最后一点)/first, next, finally 6.besides/in addition/further more/moreover(此外) 7.therefore/hence/consequently/thus/for this reason(因此) 8.nevertheless/however(然而) 9.on one hand ,on the other hand/one…the other…/for one thing,…for another thing (一方面,另一方面)on all levels(在所有方面) 10.for example + phrase/sentence such as + phrase(例如) 11.on the occasion of…,please allow me…(值此…之际,请允许我…) 12.in future(今后)/in the future(在将来)/in years to come(在未来的几十年里) 13.In my opinion/eyes/view(在我看来),… 14.for the sake of…(为了…) 15.It is time sb. did sth. 16.as far as I am concerned,(就我而言) 17.In proportion to(与…成比例) 18.be particular with(对…很挑剔) 19.It is known/believed /said that… 20.only in this way can we do sth. 四级作文:一般为三段,每段三句 第一段:It is widely believed (by many people for some time) that… 。One reason they think is that…。The other reason they hold is that…。 第二段:Some people like/prefer…,while others feel/are inclined to…/some people claimed that …,others, however, disagreed with it ,they argued that…。what’s more,…. 第三段:From what has discussed above, we can come to a conclusion that… 。In my opinion ,…。On one hand …,on the other hand…。Only in this way can we do … 。 三多:多读,多记,多听 多读(英语课外书籍,资料,报纸等) 多记(单词,词组,固定搭配,句型,文章) 多听(发音,语气,对话等) 英语单词的学习方法 (举一反三,融会贯通) 同义词 optimistic/happy/lighthearted/pleasant/cheerful(愉快的) security/s


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