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BR_main BR1_main BR1.1 BR_ 1.2 BR_ 1.3_1 BR_ 1.3_2 BR_ 1.3_3 BR_ 1.3_4 BR2 BR3_main BR3.1_1 BR3.1_1_Popwin_map1 BR3.1_1_Popwin_map2 BR3.1_1_Popwin_map3 BR3.1_2 BR3.2_1 BR3.2_2 BR3.2_3 BR3.3_1 BR3.3_2 BR3.3_1__popwin_sometime BR3.3_1__popwin_a wooden box BR3.3_2__popwin_in this map BR3.3_3 GR-main Article1_W_POPWIN_breeze1 Article1_W_POPWIN_breeze2 Article1_W_POPWIN_slender1 Article1_W_POPWIN_slender2 Article3_W_popwin_mission Article3_W_popwin_forge Article3_W_popwin_liberate Article4_W_popwin_authorize Article5_W_popwin_peer1 Article5_W_popwin_peer2 Article10_W_popwin_impose Article12_W_popwin_compel Article2_W_POPWIN_stand up for Article6_W_popwin_on the side Article14_W_popwin_pass for Article1 Article2_S Article3_S Article4 Article5 Article6_S Article7_S Article8_S Article9 Article10 Article11 Article12_S Article13 Article14 Article2_S_popwin_Josiah Article3_S_POPWIN_Ihad… Article3_S_POPWIN_Josiah Henson Article4_W_popwin_be intent on doing sth Article6_S_popwin_Eventually… Article6_S_popwin_In Kentucky … Article7_S_popwin_There was … Article8_S_popwin_The others… Article12_S_popwin_Making the… After reading-Main After-1.useful-1 After-1.useful-2 After-1.useful-3 After-1.useful-4 After-5_1 After-5_2 After-5_3 Making the best of his lot, Henson worked diligently and rose far in his owner’s regard. Money problems eventually compelled his master to send Henson, his wife and children to a brother in Kentucky. After laboring there for several years, Henson heard alarming news: the new master was planning to sell him for plantation work far away in the Deep South. The slave would be separated forever from his family. There was only one answer: flight. “I knew the North Star,” Henson wrote years later. “Like the star of Bethlehem, it announced where my salvation lay. ” 1. What does lot mean in this sentence? Lot means “one’s fortune in life, fate”. 2. Paraphrase “rose far in his owner’s regard”. He was regarded highly by his owner. Make the best of


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