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考研英语词汇考点 DAY 01 abandon oneself to 纵情,沉溺于:He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃 with abandon:1)放纵地:spend money with abandon 乱花钱 2)纵情地:dance with wild abandon 尽情地跳舞 2. abide by comply with conform to observe vt. 遵从,遵守 3. to the best of one’s ability 尽某人最大努力 4. clamp down on (对…)进行压制(或取缔),钳制 5. as /so far as … be concerned 就…来说: as far as I am concerned, you can do what you like. 6. be offended at/by sth be offended with sb 对…生气 on the offensive 在进攻:He is still on the offensive against his competitor. be subordinate to 比…次要,比…低 a symposium on 关于…的专题讨论会 DAY 02 avail oneself of 利用:He reminds me to avail myself of every chance to improve my EQ of/ to no avail 不起作用:to no avail 作状语; of no avail 作表语 突然哭起来:burst into tears/ burst out crying 突然笑起来:burst into laughter/ burst out laughing enlighten sb. on sth. 就某事对某人进行启发 flatter sb. on/about sth. 奉承某人的… lay solid foundations for 为…打下坚实的基础 in haste in a hurry 急忙地、草率地 integrate … with … 使…与…结合在一起 integrate… into 使…合并成为一个整体 be junior to … 比…年少,比…低级 lean on sb. for help 依靠某人帮助 work/ do miracles 创造奇迹 reach a plateau (发展)进入停滞期;(物价)进入平稳状态 at the rate of 以…的速度/价格 at any rate 无论如何,至少 at this rate 照此速度,照这样下去 rate… as 评为,列为 be urgent with sb. for sth. 硬向某人要某物 DAY 03 1. on account of 因为,由于 take…into account take account of… 考虑… 2. under the banner of 在…旗帜下;以…的名义 3. clutch sth. 抓住,抓紧 clutch at sth. 企图抓住 in the clutches of 在…的掌握或控制中 4. be critical of 对…挑剔,对..吹毛求疵 5. come to grief (vi.) 失败,遭受不幸 bring sb. to grief vt. 使…遭受失败或不幸\ 6. launch into 发动,投身于 launch out 重新开始 7. be occupied in doing sth. / with sth. 忙于… 8. be in/ fly into a rage 勃然大怒 be all the rage 成为时尚,风靡一时 9. restrict… to …限制约束,把…限制在…( limit… to) be restricted to doing sth DAY 04 1. associate …with 思想上 联系;(业务上)合伙 associate with 与…交往 2. descend from 从…下来,由…传下来 descend to doing sth. 下降到,堕落成 3. be different from 与…不同 be indifferent to 对…漠不关心 4. insulate …from/against… 使…绝缘;使…隔离 5. menace sb. with 以..威胁



