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2012上海各区县高三一模英语答案 1宝山区 25—29 CADAC 30—34 CBBDC 35—40 BCABA A 41. D 42. C 43.H 44.B 45.G 46.J 47.F 48.A 49. E 50—54 BAACD 55—59 DBACC 60—64 BADCB 65—68 ACBC 69—71 ACD 72—75 BBDC 76—80 ADFEB 81. the financial crisis could influence other parts 82. swift and impressive 83. not smart enough 84. trusting and supporting the Fed and the U.S. government. 85. The monitor was absent from/ the class meeting /yesterday/yesterday’s class meeting. 86. In order to/To catch up with other students, /he is trying to /cure himself of bad habits /in his study. 87. There is no doubt that /the teacher finds fault with your homework/exercises /in order to/so as to/to help you/ make greater progress. 88. Although they were tired out, /they still continued to /search for the survivors/in the accident. 89. Only by /facing the reality /and analyzing the situation seriously /can we find /the solution to the problem. 2012长宁区 2 第一卷 Ⅰ.Grammar and Vocabulary Section A: 单选部分题目比较基础,难度基本与高考持平,甚至略简单。 25. B 考察介词搭配,owing to—由于 26. C 只有one为不定代词,没有明确指代性。 27. D 情态动词的用法,needn’t不必要。 28. B 比较级的用法。 29. A 感官动词listen to的用法。listen to sb. do sth. 或者listen to sb. doingsth. 30. B have sb.donesth表示被动的,让某人被怎样。这里是被捕,所以选B。此外,have sb.do sth 让某人去做某事。have sb.doingsth表示容忍某人做某事,或者让某人一直做这件事情,与时间相关。31. A 从语义上判断为转折关系。32. C 过去分词作状语,“Determined to get a seat for the concert”相当于“Because he was determined to get a seat for the concert” 33. A 由于faint是短暂性动词,so最大迷惑项D语法上不对。 34. D 过去分词作定语。“heated discussion”—热议。 35. C 主语从句。 36. C It+be/take+时间段+before句型,意为“过多少时间才…” 37. D whoever 做连接代词,引导名词性从句 anybody who 38. C 表语从句,由关键词“argue”可知连接词为“whether” 39. C whenever无论何时,从“ongoing”、“trans-historical”可知本句需要一个时间性的连接词。 40. B 定语从句,从句为完整句,排除C、D,where in which, 在车厢里,表示地点。 Section B: 难度一般 41. H 从首句“领导力是一个很难解释的概念,因为每个人都会给出不同的定义”,可判断出此处,作者也“无法给出一个定义”。 42. J 尤其是 43. G 从横线后“as well as added pressure”可知前文是指“学业上的压力” 44. D 此句是指“作为校现代舞团的主席,我体验过在领



