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高考英语词汇精选精练 1. You can ask him again if you like, but it won’t make any ________ — he’ll still say no. A. adjustment B. decision C. contribution D. difference D. difference (not) make any (the slightest) difference对…毫无影响,没有作用 知识拓展: make a difference 有很大差别, 有很大 不同 有很大的关系[影响] make a great difference 有很大差别, 有很大 不同 有很大的关系[影响] make a great deal of difference 有很大差别, 有很大 不同 有很大的关系[影响] make a difference between 区别对待 make some difference to 对...有些[没有]关系 make no difference to 对...有些[没有]关系 2. If you always _______ others like that, you’ll lose good suggestions from your friends. A. respect B. assist C. admire D. tease D. tease. tease v.取笑; respect尊敬;assist帮助,协助;admire羡慕,根据句意,选D。 3. When the police asked her, she gave a(an) _________ account of the accident. A. accurate B. urgent C. humorous D. correct A。accurate: accurate准确的, 精密的,urgent:紧急的,humorous:幽默的。Correct指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误。根据句意“当警察问她时,她对事故做了准确的描述。”,应选A。 4. Jimmy was ________ in his computer game with the result that he didn’t hear what we were talking about. A. concentrated B. absorbed C. engaged D. occupied B.absorbed 动词搭配及词义辨析。be absorbed in 全神贯注(强调精力集中);concentrate on集中在;专心于‘engage in 或be engaged in 忙于,从事什么 ....;occupy oneself (be occupied)in 忙于(使忙碌于, 使从事于). 某事,根据语境和句意(Jimmy专心致志地打电脑游戏,(结果)没有听见我们谈论了什么。)看,B最适合。 5. The book is said to be a popular one, which _______ science, culture, space, history,and explorations. A. reads B. writes C. covers D. prints C。cover. 根据句意“据说这本书很畅销,书中涉及科学,文化,…和探险等。”,可知选 cover“涉及…(内容)”。注意read, write和print的用法。 6. When I took his temperature, it was two degrees above _____. A. average B. ordinary C. regular D. normal D. normal normal;ordinary;average;regular, 7. These plastic flowers look so _____ that many people think they are real. A. beautiful B. natural C. artificial D. similar B. natural. 8. They can’t get enough money to support their families here. ________, they work elsewhere to earn more. A. Realistically B. Tra


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