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* 基本原则: (1)尽可能清楚地指出所研究问题的性质和范围。 (2)向读者介绍该领域的国内外动态,突出所研究问题的位置。 (3)归纳与本研究密切相关的前人研究工作及有关文献,指出本研究与前人研究的不同之处。 (4)说明研究中要解决的问题、所采取的方法。必要时须说明采用某种方法的理由。 (5)介绍论文的主要结果和结构安排。 * 英文引言常见的短语和句式有: as early as the … since … in recent years … for this purpose … with respect to … the former research mainly concentrated on … it is well recognized that … * 注意:适当地使用“I”,“We”或“Our”,以明确地指示作者本人的工作,如:最好使用“We conducted this study to determine whether...”,而不使用“This study was conducted to determine whether...”。 叙述前人工作的欠缺以强调自己研究的创新时,应慎重且留有余地。可采用类似如下的表达:To the authors knowledge...;There is little information available in literature about...;Until recently, there is some lack of knowledge about...等等。 * 引言的时态运用: ①叙述有关现象或普遍事实时,句子的主要动词多使用现在时,如:“little is known about …”或“little literature is available on …”。 ②描述特定研究领域中最近的某种趋势,或者强调表示某些“最近”发生的事件对现在的影响时,常采用现在完成时,如:“few studies have been done on …”或“little attention has been devoted to …”。 ③在阐述作者本人研究目的的句子中应有类似This paper, The experiment reported here等词,以表示所涉及的内容是作者的工作,而不是指其他学者过去的研究。 * 例如:In summary, previous methods are all extremely inefficient. Hence a new approach is developed to process the data more efficiently.”就容易使读者产生误解,其中的第二句应修改为:This paper will present (presents) a new approach that process the data more efficiently.”。 * INTRODUCTION The search for novel antibiotics and other bioactive microbial metabolites for potential agricultural, pharmaceutical and industrial applications has been, and still is, important (Cross, 1982; Williams Wellington, 1982; Okami Hotta, 1988; Goodfellow O’Donnel, 1989; Labeda Shearer, 1990; Takahashi Omura, 2003; Berdy, 2005). Members of the actinomycete genus Streptomyces have long been recognized as prolific producers of useful bioactive compounds (Tanaka Omura, 1990), providing more than half of the naturally occurring antibiotics discovered to date and continuing to be a major source of new bioactive metabolites (Miyadoh, 1993). * However, the rate of discovery of new metabolites from th


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