9B Unit2 课时练习5(Integrated skills amp; Study skills).doc

9B Unit2 课时练习5(Integrated skills amp; Study skills).doc

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9B Unit2 Robots 课时练习5 (Integrated skills Study skills) 一、词组翻译. 1.准时到达_____________________ 2.在10分钟之内_________________________ 3.票价_________________________ 4.有好的记忆力__________________________ 5.日本造的机器人_______________ 6.听一个广播节目________________________ 7.一场机器人展览会_______________ 8.对机器人感兴趣________________________ 9.一则令人兴奋的消息______________ 10.对12岁以下的小孩免费________________ 二、选择填空 ( ) 1.________of the answers is right.Have a third try. A.All B.Both C.Neither D.Either ( ) 2.The robot exhibition_______at 10 a.m.and_______at 4.30 p.m. A.is open;is closed B.opens;closes C.open;close D.opened;is closed ( ) 3.The machine is made__________Japan.It is made________wash clothes. A.of;of B.in;to C.from;to D.by;of ( ) 4.When do you think__________visit her uncle? A.she will go to B.she was going to C.will she go D.will she go to ( ) 5.The most important thing your robot should do is__________. A.cleaning your shoes B.to clean your shoes C.clean your shoes D.A and B 三、完形填空. Welcome to the XYZ Robot Factory.This video will show you how robots are used. Robots are widely 1 for making things in factories.The are 2 because they work hard and they don’t stop to smoke or have a cup of tea.They can work in the dark,and in noisy or smelly workshops. 3 can work like a robot for 24 hours a day,seven days a week without food,water or rest! Look! These robots are making ladders 4 any workers.Ladders are made of pieces of metal.The robots put the piece together and then 5 them.How do they paint them? First,the paint gun is connected to a computer.For the first time,a worker paints the ladder 6 the computer records his movements.For the second time,the computer runs the robot,which paints the second ladder exactly 1ike the 7 .The ladders are dried with hot air and are then sent away to customers all over the


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