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高校家园网网站的设计与实现 摘要 21世纪,随着计算机科学的发展,数据库技术在Internet 中的应用越来越广泛,为广大网络用户提供了更加周到和人性化的服务。 本文阐述了如何构造一个B/S结构的家园网网站,对B/S结构、JSP技术以及Mysql原理进行了较深入的论述。阐述了对家园网管理系统的需求分析、功能模块划分、数据库模式分析,功能模块的实现过程。在此基础上,对所应用的关键技术进行描述。最后,对程序调试与调试结果进行论述。 本文在研究目前国内外情况的基础上,从实际需求出发,采用当前较为流行的B/S(Browser/Server浏览器/服务器)结构和JSP动态网页开发技术,基于Windows XP Professional操作系统和数据库,采用技术,设计并实现了一个功能较为完善的系统。通过对系统进行一系列的需求分析、设计、编码、测试等工作,该系统可以可以注册、管理员可以对进行管理。重点对系统设计过程作了相应描述,同时也对系统需要改进的地方做了总结。 本系统结合因特网的发展、应用现状,采用了基于WEB的三层体系架构,即浏览器——WEB应用服务器——数据库服务器。通过对工作流程进行详细需求分析,建立了系统的功能模型和数据流模型。确定系统的数据模型为关系数据模型,进行了分析、设计画出了E-R图。后台数据库选用了来实现。WEB开发采用当前流行的JSP(Java Server Pages,动态网页技术)技术,JSP页面通过,实现了浏览器端和服务器端的程序。系统经过测试,运行效果稳定操作方便、快捷。 The implementation of Student Home system based on Java 2EE Abstract Along with the development of the computer science in 21 centuries, the database technique is more and more extensive in the application in the Internet, providing the more thoughtful and humanized service for the large network customer. Characteristic have already become gradually the current as the application of Wed nowadays. How to communicate on the web is a new topic facing us. This paper describes how to struct a system to have set forth house to Let management adopt B/S structures, the paper describes the B/S structure and MySql, JSP technology principles. The article complete the needs analysis of an system for the management applications for communication which on the web, functional modules division and database model analysis. The technology is in progress here to what be applied key on the basis, describe that. Final, comment that to procedure debugging with testing result being in progress. The discourse according to the practical demand of some users, which is on the base of the situation of the domestic and international recorded at present. adopt currently comparatively popular B/S (Browser/Server) structure and JSP development Web page to develop a technology,MySql data bases, adopt the JSP technology owing to Windows XP Profession


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