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河南财经学院本科生毕业论文(设计) 网上订餐系统的设计与实现 院系名称 姓  名 学  号 专  业 指导教师 2011年5月3日星期二 摘 要 随着麦当劳,肯德基等洋味十足的快餐店越来越密集的出现在城市的大街小巷,越来越多的消费者光顾它们。然而一旦走进这些店铺,大多数人看到的都是铺天盖地排长龙的等待购买的人群、领餐后茫然寻找座位的人群以及因为人太多等不及购买而进去又徘徊出来的人。当然国内其他大型餐饮或者其他行业也都会出现类似的现象。 面对以上这种现象,国民迫切的需要一种实际的解决方法,一个功能完备但是操作简单的订餐点餐系统。 针对目前网络订餐网站的这种局限性,我们提出并设计实现了这个网络订餐系统。 在开发设计中,采用B/S(Browser/Server)结构,这种结构使得数据只有结果集合在浏览器中显示,数据的处理在服务器进行,而且由于通过服务器端统一管理数据,易于保证数据的一致性。数据库方面,推荐业界具有领导地位的关系数据库管理系统Microsoft SQL sever2000,使系统安全性能更高。同时采用当前正在流行的JSP(Java Server Pages)编程,用户界面更友好。 在开发中选择了JSP+JavaBean+SQ2000的模式,实现了应用程序逻辑和页面显示分离,界面设计更简单。JavaBean可重用的软件组件满足小型应用,同时使编程人员投入量精力便可重用组件,在简单的应用中可以充分考虑。关键词:Abstract With such as McDonalds, KFC fast-food restaurant on the more densely populated with dye-in-the-wood appear in city streets, more and more consumer patronage them. However, once walked into these shops, most people saw a deluge of long queues of people waiting to buy, and bring postprandial vacant seat because of the crowd and for too many people cant wait to buy and go in and around the cream of the crop. Of course other domestic large food or other industry also will appear similar phenomena. Facing the above this kind of phenomenon, national urgently need a practical solutions, a function complete but operation simple meal ordering system. In view of the present network roscoe gateway website this limitation, we put forward and realized this network design roscoe system. In the development of design, adopts B/S (is clicked/Server) structure, this kind of structure allows data only result sets in the Browser display, data processing in Server, users need not install client, and because by the Server unified management data, easy to ensure the consistency of the data. Database, recommend industry of the leading relational database management system, the system sever2000 Microsoft SQL safety performance is higher. By adopting the JSP are currently popular web Server (Java) programming, more friendly user interface. In developing chose JSP + Java


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