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Requirements for oxygen cleaning 氧气管线脱脂要求This class of service requires essentially complete removal of contaminant such as hydrocarbon, greases, oils, thread lubricants, dirt, water, fillings, scale, weld spatter, chips, fluxes, paints, varnishes, crayon marks, rust, powdered metal oxides, excelsior, packing materials, labels or any other foreign material. Many of these materials, especially hydrocarbons and oils, can react violently in the presence of oxygen, causing fires or explosions. Others, such as metal chips, can be propelled by a fluid stream with sufficient velocity to trigger an explosion on impact. Still others, by plugging small ports or seizing moving parts, can cause dangerous malfunctions of equipment. All of these materials are considered contaminants and must be removed.It is especially important to avoid trapping contaminants in locations difficult or impossible to clean after assembly. Therefore, cleaning and assembly procedures must be integrated to avoid this condition. Furthermore, once the equipment is clean, it must be kept clean until it is used.此项工作是从本质上的完成清除如下污染物:碳氢化合物,油脂类,油类,螺纹润滑油,灰尘,水分,填料,污垢,焊渣,铁渣,助溶剂,油漆,亮光漆,标识,铁锈,金属粉末,包装材料,标签及其他不相关的材料。特别是碳氢化合物及油脂,可以与氧气发生剧烈的反应造成起火及爆炸。其他的例如:铁渣,可能被流体或者蒸汽以一定的速率推动造成伤害导致爆炸。其他的材料,如果不清理会对设备口造成堵塞,导致设备运转失灵。以上所述材料都可以被称为污染物并且必须被清理。需要注意的是,某些污染物在安装之后就很难甚至无法再去清除,因此,清洁工作于安装工作必须相互协调去避免以上事件发生。一旦设备被清洁之后,在投入使用之前,必须保持洁净。Procedures 程序2.1 General 概述2.1.1 This specification covers the cleaning of the piping process oxygen service. 此说明是对氧气管道清理程序的阐述。2.1.2 Prefabrication and hydro tested pipes shall be cleaned to this specification. There shall be no welding after cleaning. A strict record must be kept of cleaned sections, with date of cleaning, to be included in the data book.预制和水试压完的管道需要遵循此说明进行清洁,需要确保在清洁之后没有任何焊接工作产生。必须坚持对清洁的管道进行严格的记录,并注明时间。2.2Requirements要求2.2.1 Internal surface.管道内表面Internal surfaces of cleaned items shall show no evidence of excessive adherent articles or hydrocarbon films. 管道内表面必须保证没有过多的附着物或者碳氢化合物油膜。Pre


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