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Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother makes for him. At school, everyone calls him Mr. Recycling. His hat is made from a trash can cover. His backpack is made from a pair of pants. His scarf used to be a napkin. Joe Winterbourne loves the clothes his mother made for him. At school, everyone calls him Mr. Recycle. His hat is made from _______________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Look at the pictures and finish the article. Use the phrases “made from” and “used to be”. the bottom of the petrol drum. His bag comes from red trousers which is too short for him. His beautiful scarf used to be the carpet in his house. Every day, we throw much rubbish. Where does the rubbish go? We bury most of it in a land fill(垃圾填埋 场),but the landfills in many cities in the U.S. are almost filled. Many of the old landfills have poisons that can make water and soil (土壤) around them dangerous to your health. What can we do to help? Follow the three R’s: REUSE, REFUSE, and RECYCLE. Read the article and choose (T) or (F). REUSE You don’t need new bags every time you go to the store. Reuse the old ones ---and you had better use cloth bags, not plastic ones. REFUSE Stop buying anything that is over –packaged. Also look for products that come in boxes made of recycled cardboard(硬纸板). RECYCLE People can use cans, newspapers and plastic bottles again. So don’t throw them away. Send them to the recycling center. 2.Can you see what these things are made from? Try to think out more ways to recycle these things? 1. You have probably never heard of Amy Winterbourne. 你可能从没听说过艾米 · 温特波尼。 hear 听见 (过去式 heard, 过去分 词 heard) hear sb. do / doing sth. 听见某人做/正在做某事。 Explanation 如: I listened carefully but heard nothing . 我仔细听但是什么也没听到。 I often hear him sing in the next room. 我常听他在隔壁唱歌。 词组: hear of /about “ 听说,


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