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毕业设计(论文) 题 目基于VC的变电站监 控软件开发 专 业电子信息科学与技术 班 级 电技 学 生 指导教师 2006 年 基于VC的变电站监控软件开发 专业:电气工程及其自动化 班级:电技021班 作者: 指导教师: 职称: 答辩日期:2006-06-18 摘 要 当前电力建设规模日益增大,为了缓解电力供需矛盾,减少投资,提高效益,提高电力系统的安全运行与经济运行,以适应不断扩大的电网规模,变电站综合自动化是形式所趋。而它的重要的组成部分就是后台监控集中化。本章主要内容是介绍变电站监控系统的功能和结构,通过Microsoft SQL SERVER数据库和Microsoft Visual C++软件,达到虚拟的数据自动采集、查询设备信息、实时的数据入库、电压越线记录、调阅历史纪录、权限管理和电压曲线的绘制,从而达到深入了解数据库技术,有效处理信息,培养分析、创造、设计的能力、计算机应用能力以及解决实际问题的能力的目的。为了未来进行数据处理,从事相关的技术奠定一定的基础。 关键词:变电站、SQL SERVER、Visual C++、实时库、历史库 Abstract At present electric power construction the scale enlarges increasingly for the sake of alleviating the electric power supply and demand antinomy, reducing the investment, raising the performance, raising the electric power system safe circulate and the economy circulate, with the charged electrical net scale that orientation extend continuously, the transformer substation synthesize the automation is tend by form. But it constitutes the part importantly is the backstage supervision concentration to turn . This main contents is introduce the transformer substation supervision system of function and structure,using the Microsoft SQL SERVER database and the Microsoft Visual C++ software, attaining the virtual data to collect automatically, the search equipments information, storing realtime data, recording electric voltage in line, surveying the history record, drawing the legal power management and the electric voltage curve, thus to attain the thorough understanding database technique, process information, developt the ability of analysis ,creation, design and resolveing the actual problem. Carrying on the data processing for the sake of the future, lay the certain foundation to be engaged in the related technique. Keywords: transformer substation, sql server,visual c++,real time database, history database 目 录 第1章 绪论…………………………………………………2 1.1 变电站综合自动化的定义、后台监控功能…………………………2 1.1.1 变电站综合自动化的定义 ………………


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