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摘 要 目前,许多变速器生产企业正在研发一些燃油经济性更好、换挡性能更高的变速器,以满足市场上的多层次需求。汽车变速器是通过改变传动比、改变发动机曲轴的转矩,适应在起步、加速、行驶以及克服各种道路阻碍等不同行驶条件下对驱动轮牵引力及车速不同要求的需要。变速器是汽车传动系中最重要的部件之一。变速器是用来改变发动机传动到驱动轮上的转矩和转速,在汽车传动系中扮演着至关重要的角色,因此必须重视对变速器的设计研究。 传统的变速器零件设计包括了变速器传动布置方案的确定、变速器主要参数的选择、变速器齿轮的设计及校核、变速器轴的设计及校核,由于变速器有较多的零件组成且零件之间的装配关系较复杂因此变速器的设计需要较长的时间和反复的实验。本设计是在传统变速器重要零件设计的基础上运用Pro/E软件进行三维实体模型的创建,可实现变速器的辅助设计,能快速准确的设计出变速器各主要零部件并完成装配。从而可以缩短设计周期,降低开发成本,增加模型可信度,提高产品的质量。 关键词:变速器;设计;轴;校核;建模;Pro/E ABSTRACT At present, many manufacturers are developing some better transmission fuel, higher transmission shift performance to meet the market demand for multi-level. Automotive Transmission adapt in the start, acceleration, road traffic, as well as to overcome all kinds of different driving conditions impede on different wheel traction and speed requirements is by changing the transmission ratio, the engine crankshaft torque change. Transmission of the automotive power train is one of the most important components. Transmission is used to change the engine to the driving wheel on the drive torque and rotational speed, in the automotive power train to play a vital role, it is necessary to attach importance to the design of transmission. The traditional design of transmission components including the transmission of the determined drive layout, the main parameters of the choice of transmission, gear transmission design and verification, transmission shaft design and verification, as more transmission parts and components between the composition of the the relationship between the assembly of more complex design therefore require a longer transmission time and the experiment repeated. The design is an important part in the traditional design of transmission based on the use of Pro / E software to create three-dimensional solid model .And it can design a fast and accurate transmission of the major components and complete assembly. So that we can shorten the design cycle, reduce development costs and increase model credibi



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