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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目:DZZ-10多轴钻床的设计 系 别: 机电信息系 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 学 生: 学 号: 指导教师: 2013年0月               DZZ-10多轴钻床的设计 摘 要 随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,整个制造业加工生产水平也在不断的提高。为了适应汽车行业的速发展,需要越来越多的特殊加工设备来完成单一的、精度要求较高的工序,而多轴钻床就是一种专为进行汽车轮辐扩钻孔加工而设计的一种高精度机床。 DZZ-10多轴钻床专为汽车轮辐十个螺纹孔的扩钻孔加工工序而设计,它包括机床本体件、动力部分、传动部分、液压传动部分等几大部分,在设计之前,首先应机床的整体布局出一个方案,再根据所加工工件的要求确定机床所需的功率,然后进行电动机的选取,依据传动比依次选择减速器、联轴器并进行各参数的计算,由计算所得参数设计各轴和齿轮的结构并进行强度的校核,同时还应对机床的工作台、底座、床身和立柱进行设计,最后选择传动进给系统的液压缸,绘制整台机床的装配、零件等图纸。 本文主要对机床的一般设计方法和各部件的选用计算进行介绍。 关键词:多轴钻床;汽车轮辐;扩钻孔加工 全套图纸,加648328618 Design of DZZ-10 multi-axis drilling machine Abstract With the rapid development of Chinas social economy, the manufacturing level of production has been improved. In order to adapt to the rapid development of automobile industry, special processing equipment more and more necessary to complete a higher single, accuracy requirements of the process, while the machine is a kind of special for automobile wheel expanding drilling and design of a high precision machine tool. The design of DZZ-10 machine for automobile spoke ten threaded hole expanding drilling process, which comprises a machine tool body support, power part, transmission part, a hydraulic transmission part of several major, in the design, first proposed a scheme of overall layout design of the machine tools, and then determine the machine power required according to the workpiece requirements, then the selection of motor, based on the calculation of transmission ratio in order to choose the reducer, coupling and parameters, the calculated parameters checked by design of the shaft and gear structure and strength, but also to the machine table, a base, the bed and column design, the final choice of hydraulic cylinder drive feed system, drawing the assembly, parts and the whole machine drawings. The main design method of machine and the calculation of the components are introduced. Key Words: multiple spindle drill;


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