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我国夫妻共同财产制 The Conjugal Property System in China Southwest University of Political Science and Law ZhaXi PuZhen Abstract: In socialist market economy condition, the husband and wife property rights are directly related to the husband and wife of his position in the family and the family of stability, but also related to the healthy development of the market economy. Marriage and family relationship is identity relationship and property relationship unification, property relationship is marriage to continue development foundation, is the core of the relationship between husband and wife. The legislation in China started late marriage, there are many insufficient to further improve. April 28, 2001 9 th National Peoples Congress in China in 1980, to the marriage law is changed, the revised law of marriage to couples in the legal property system and property agreed property system modified very perfect, the first increase personal hold property system, and clearly the joint property of husband and wife and personal hold property area, causing marital property system more in line with the property law requirements, improve upon the legal status of the system of property. Text is the revised marriage law the marital property system discussed briefly. Keyword: Marital property system, legal property system, agreed property system. [摘要] 近年来,我国的夫妻财产关系呈现多元化、复杂化的趋势。虽然修改后的婚姻法确定了夫妻财产制度,但在司法实践中,由于夫妻财产制度较为抽象,不能清晰地界定个人财产和夫妻共同财产,容易损害一方或双方的利益, 夫妻财产制度是夫妻财产关系中一项极为重要的法律制度,在婚姻家庭法中有着十分重要的地位。本论文从我国夫妻财产的定义和特征入手,对目前我国的夫妻财产制进行了研究。分析我国夫妻财产制的种类,并从法定夫妻财产制和夫妻约定财产制两方面入手进行分析,特别论述了夫妻财产约定的条件和内容、夫妻财产约定的时间和效力、夫妻财产约定的范围及约定的变更和撤销,探讨我国现行婚姻法中夫妻财产制的现状和缺陷。这也是本文论述的重点,通过对我国夫妻财产制的现状和缺陷两个方面进行了详细阐述,提出现行夫妻财产制度的完善措施和建议。此文通过对夫妻财产制度的探讨,希望能对我国的夫妻财产制的完善尽一份自己的绵薄之力。 [关键字] 夫妻财产制;共同财产;约定财产 一、我国夫妻财产的定义和特征 (一)我国夫妻财产的定义 我国夫妻财产制是确认和调整婚姻关系存续期间有关夫妻婚前财产,特有财产和婚后所得财产的所有、管理、使用、收益、处分以及夫妻对外财产责任,婚姻终止时财产的清算,分割,继承等方面财产关系的法律制度的总和。作为交织于财产法与身份法之间的法律制度,夫妻财产制是婚姻


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