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云南腾冲火山热海旅游区开发管理有限公司 厨房操作规范 厨房 二〇一一年三月四日 云南腾冲火山热海旅游区开发管理有限公司 TITLE: Hand Washing 标 题: 洗手 Risks 风险: Hands are one of the principle agents in transferring bacteria to food and handling should be reduced to the minimum. Proper hand washing is a critical protective measure against contamination and food borne illness. 手是使食物感染细菌的基本方式,应尽量避免与食物接触。正确洗手是避免食物污染和导致食品疾病的有效方式。 Hand Washing Policy 洗手政策: All kitchen employees must wash their hands and scrub their nails upon arriving in the kitchen for work. 所有厨房员工应在开始厨房工作前洗手及清洁指甲。 All kitchen employees must wash their hands before handling food. 所有厨房员工应在接触食物前洗手。 All kitchen employees must wash their hands at least every 30 minutes or after any of the following activities: 所有厨房员工应至少每隔30分钟或在以下情况下洗手。 Using the toilet 上厕所后 Handling raw food 接触生食物后 Stocking or storing food items 存放食物后 Handling garbage 接触垃圾后 Leaving a high risk area such as butchery, pastry, sushi or sashimi 离开高风险地区如肉类加工房, 饼房,寿司或生鱼片 Returning from a break 休息后 Hand Washing Procedures 洗手程序 Use warm water 用温水 Wet your hands 湿手 Get a small amount of soap 抹肥皂 Rub hands together for 20 seconds 两手搓洗20秒 Brush hands and fingernails 擦手及指甲 Rinse with warm water 用温水过洗 Dry with paper towel or dryer 用纸巾或干手机烘干 Put on the sanitizer gel (if any) 涂上消毐剂 (附备) 云南腾冲火山热海旅游区开发管理有限公司 TITLE: Knife Hygiene Storage 标 题: 刀具的卫生与存放 Risks 风险: Bacteria can be transferred through several forms of contamination. People, animals, equipment and utensils are the most usual forms of contamination. 细菌依靠一些污染工具进行传播。人、动物、仪器和器皿就是这些最常见的污染工具。 Knife Hygiene Storage Policy 刀具的卫生与存放政策: Knives used on raw food must not be used on Ready to Eat food to prevent cross contamination. 处理完生食物的刀具不能再处理


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