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买文档送图纸 QQ 转炉氧枪提升装置设计 摘要 在炼钢生产中,氧枪提升机构是转炉炼钢过程中非常重要的部分,提升机构是利用卷筒来控制小车进而来控制氧枪的升降。本文在结合生产需要,参考了鞍山热工仪表厂的氧枪提升设备的基础上,设计出转炉氧枪提升机构。本设计根据最大的生产率原则,选择了三相异步电机、滑轮、制动器、联轴器以及钢丝绳驱动装置等部件,并且设计了卷筒装置、防坠落装置等主要零部件.文中阐述了系统整体构成和设计思路,重点讲述了,最后对全文做了概括总结。 The Design of the Promoting Equipment of oxygen lance Abstract In steel-making production, the promoting equipment have became an important part in the BOF steeling process .They use the drum to control the cart which can carry the oxygen lance rise or fall . In this paper, combining with the production require ,after referencing to the production of AnShan hest power engineer meter company and a number of mechanical design information, designing out the promoting equipment .Based on the maximum productivity, making choice of the synchronous motor, irdler wheel ,arrester as well as steel wire rope, and then designing out the drum , anti-sink equipment and other major components. Besides ,the article elaborated on the composition and overall system design, focusing on the design of elevating equipment finally to have done a summary of the full text. In order to make the system safe enough, increasing an anti-sink equipment .A t the same time ,I also checking of the keys, choosing the reducer and other important part . Finally, having done a considerable introductions on the installation, use, maintenance, etc .This type promoting equipment with a rational structure , low-cost and easy to install and maintain. Keywords: promoting equipment, oxygen lance , drum 目录 摘要 I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 1.1选题背景和目的 1 1.1.1选题背景 1 1.1.2毕业设计目的 1 1.2转炉氧枪系统介绍 2 1.2.1我国氧气转炉炼钢的现状 2 1.2.2 氧气转炉炼钢技术展望 2 1.2.3氧枪系统的简介 4 1.3 氧枪系统存在的问题及改造方案和措施 4 1.3.1 氧枪小车 4 1.3.2 小车变形 5 1.3.3 升降小车导轮脱落 5 1.3.4 氧枪枪体 5 1.4 氧枪系统的优化 6 2.整体方案评述 7 2.1.系统方案比较 7 2.2.传动系统 7 2.2.1电机 8 2.2.2 联轴器 9 3 氧枪提升机构参数计算 11 3.1 原始数据 11 3.2 提升拉力的计算 11 4.钢丝绳滑轮及电动机的选择 14 4.1 钢丝绳的选择 14 4.2 确定滑轮主要尺寸 14 4.3电动机的选择与校核 15 4.3.1电机选择 15 4.3.2.电动机发热校核 16 5. 传动系统重要装置的选择与设计 17 5.1 标准减速器的选择 1


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