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牛津小学英语6B Unit 3 Asking the way 执笔:岸头小学 徐颜群 一、课时建议:5课时 第一课时:教学内容为B部分的词组及补充的场所名称; 用F部分的地图图片进行巩固,并操练句型Where is …? It’s on … Road. The place is on your left/right. 第二课时:教学内容为F C 及A部分引言和Mr Smith与Yang Ling第一轮回的对话。着重操练C部分的句型对话。 第三课时:学习A 部分对话,综合运用问路对话。 第四课时:学习E部分故事。巩固重点句型…along … and than turn…an the …crossing.b并着重复习了一般过去时态的句型。 第五课时:复习巩固本单元所有内容, 学习D G H。 二、教学建议: B部分词组教学 1. T:Yang Ling is showing us a map of the town. What can you see in the picture? Ss: can see a post office / a shopping centre / a primary school / a middle school / a train station / a history museum. 猜地名,或用地名说话。 1. I’m ill. Where shall I go? S1: You can go to the hospital. 2. I want to watch films. Where shall Igo? S2:You can go to the cinema. 3.I want to watch the animals. Where shall I go?S3: You can go to the zoo. 4.I want to watch the plays. Where shall I go?S4:You can go to the theater. 5.I want to do some shopping. Where shall I go? S5:You can go to the shopping centre. 6.I want to take a plane. Where shall I go? S6:You can go to the airport. 7.I want to take a train. Where shall I go? S7: You can go to a train station 8. I want to study. Where shall I go S8:You can go to a school. 9.Next term, you’ll leave the Primary school. Where will you go? 10.I want to see some old things .Where shall I go? You can go to a history museum. …… 也可以出示地名让学生说。In/At …, I can…. 归纳地名: T:xcellent! now all the places are in my hands, let’s review the words, read them one by one. 把各个地名写在卡纸上,便于复习,也可以放在教室各个地方以创设街道的场景。 2. 用F部分的地图图片进行巩固,并操练句型Where is …? It’s on … Road. The place is on your left/right. 句型教学 1. T:Today I want to introduce a new friend to you, Who is he? please look here. He is Mr. Smith. Let’s say “hello” to him. Where is he from? Where is he now? What does he want to do? What is he doing? Listen and answer T:r. smith wants to go to the History Museum. Let’s look at the map. B部分的图 How can we go to the History Museum? Can you find the History Museum for him ? 利用图引出走路的方式Go along this street and than turn



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