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?OH抽氢导致DNA断裂* 硫中心自由基引起细胞损伤 * 顺磁标记荧光探针-Probing free radical Paramagnetic (Low fluorescence) Diamagnetic (High fluorescence) 产物抗磁性,稳定 自由基之间的反应快速 多功能探针:ESR;荧光(强度、偏振、寿命等) 荧光显微技术应用于细胞、组织的自由基作用研究* 比率型荧光分子-Probing NO Soh, N. et al., Chem. Commun.,2002, 2250-2251 NO? FRET ?ex=360nm ?em=470nm ?em=410nm ?ex=360nm 荧胺 香豆素* ?OH 比率型荧光探针-Probing ?OH Soh, N. et al., Chem. Commun.,2004, 496 - 497 以与自由基作用的特征靶分子或官能团作为识别基团 荧光素 罗丹明 脱氧胸腺嘧啶核苷二聚体 Ca2+ indicator Fura-2 Fura-Ca2+ Fura 钙具有使原生质胶体稳定以及调节细胞膜的结构和通透性的作用。对各种细胞的兴奋性具有正负效应。 Excitation Emission* Ca2+ indicator Indo-1 Indo-1-Ca2+ * ICT principle* Image of Fura-2-Ca2+ False-color image(假色成像) of free Ca2+ concentration in a Purkinje neuron (梨状神经元)from embryonic mouse cerebellum(胚鼠小脑) The composite image, which represents the ratio of images obtained with excitation at 340 nm and 380 nm, reveals the mobilization of internal Ca2+ stores without contribution from Ca2+ influx. Fura-2-Ca2+ 胚鼠小脑梨状神经元中游离Ca2+浓度荧光成像* Image of spiral Ca2+ wave Fluo-3 (F1240) confocal image of a spiral Ca2+ wave initiated by injection of a nonhydrolyzable analog of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate(肌醇三磷酸非水解模拟物) in a Xenopus laevis oocyte(瓜蟾卵母细胞). The image was contributed by David Clapham, Harvard University, and reproduced with permission from Cell 69, 283 (1992). 瓜蟾卵母细胞中螺旋Ca2+波共焦荧光成像 Fluo-3* Na+ indicator SBFI SBFI SBFI-Na+ 海马切片CA1锥形神经元Na+成像* Cd2+ indicator Fluorescence emission spectra of a mixture of 1 μM BTC-5N (B-6845) and 1 μM TCPP in solutions containing zero to 1.0 μM Cd2+. BTC-5N, tetrapotassium salt* Zn2+ indicator APTRA-BTC, tripotassium salt Fluorescence excitation spectra of APTRA-BTC (A-6895) in solutions containing zero to 25 μM Zn2+. * pH indicator 5-sulfofluorescein diacetate, sodium salt (SFDA)* DNA-based pH sensor Tatsuo Ohmishi et al.,Biochemistry 2005,44 7125-7130 Tatsuo Ohmishi et al.,Biochemistry 2005,44 7125-


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