高中英语U15 Learning--Lesson 3 Teachers[ty]北师大版必修五.docVIP

高中英语U15 Learning--Lesson 3 Teachers[ty]北师大版必修五.doc

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高中英语U15 Learning--Lesson 3 Teachers[ty]北师大版必修五

Unit 15 Learning Lesson 3 Teachers Teaching aims: To practise using “wish” and “should” to express regret To practise disagreeing and contradicting Teaching difficulties: To practise using “wish” and “should” to express regret Teaching Aids: computer Teaching procedures: Ⅰ. Warming up T: Today we talk about my job “teacher”. Now to tell the truth, Who was your favorite teacher at primary and junior high school? S: T: Why did you like him/her? S: T: Now I learn something from what you say. Thank you. The text we will learn is about a student and a teacher story. First you read the text silently then do the following exercise. ⅡReading 1.Jenkin’s French teachers made class lively but Jenkin didn’t like French. 2. As a science teacher Mr Jenkin often shows and explains how something work or how to do something. 3. Mr Jenkin affects Graham greatly. 4. Mr Jenkin would like to be a teacher because he is proud of his excellent students 5. In school Graham was unwilling to obey rules and do what others asked him to do 6. Mrs Jenkin thinks teaching is a less stressful career. 7. Now the number of the class Is large so it is difficult for the teacher to guide them. 8. Graham often phones his former teacher to ask for his advice. 9. No confidence led to Graham’s rebellious character Answers: 1. F 2. T 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8. F 9.T Do the exercise 2 Listen, read the text and answer these questions. Ⅲ Language points 1. a bit 有点儿,稍微 We need a bit more time for the work. 我们这项工作还需多一点时间。 Could you turn the radio down a bit? 你能把收音机的音量调低一些吗? 2. be full of 充满 His heat was full of curiosity. 他的心里充满了好奇。 The house was full of smoke and shouts. 房间里充满了烟雾和喊叫声。 3.wish 经常用来表示现时或任何时候都不能实现的愿望,从句中常用虚拟语气。 You lucky dog! I wish I were you! 你这个运气鬼!我真希望是你! The party was awful, and we all wished we had never been there. 聚会糟透了,我们都希望自己没去。 4. fun乐趣,快乐, 享乐的事(不可数) Sailing is good fun. 帆船运动很有乐趣。 We had a lot of fun at Sarah’s party. 我们在萨拉的聚会上玩得很开心。 Ⅳ Grammar We use wish express re


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