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U.S. higher education remains a magnet for foreign students American colleges and universities feel intense pressure to boost their exchange programs and especially to tap into the growing number of Chinese consumers who have the cash to study U.S. style. Though Chinese universities are improving, few are seen as truly world class. Chinese students feel they have to have a stamp from a foreign university on their resume, and that often means traveling to the U.S. Part 1---难题 Driving Do you have a driving license? Yes/No---apply for in the future Is it important to drive well? Yes---road safety/reckless driving/drunk drive Will kids be allowed to drive cars in the future? No---not mature/not emotionally stable/responsible cut/showing off/drifting/over speed Part 1---难题 Cooking Do you like cooking? Why? Yes---home-made food/healthy diet Who does cooking in your family? Mom/dad---house wife/family man What do you do to make cooking easier? Cook book--- recipe/Home appliance---time-saving How is cooking at home different from eating out? Have a balanced/healthy diet ---- junk food greasy, fatty food/food contamination flat [fl?t] 公寓 high-rise building 高楼大厦 ultra-modern [??ltr?] adj 超级摩登 state-of-the-art computer system 时新的电脑系统 functional [?f??k??n?l] apartment 功能齐全的 cramped [kr?mpt] adj 狭窄的 balcony [?b?lk?ni] n 阳台 cottage [?k?tid?] 小屋, 村舍 a single-story building 一个单层的房子 on the same level 在同一楼层上 traditional design 传统的设计 concrete [?k?nkri:t] n 混凝土 timber [?timb?] n 木材 quarry [?kw?:ri:] n 露天矿场 ceiling [?si:li?] n 天花板 ornate [?:?ne?t] adj 装饰华丽的 cozy [?k?uzi] adj 舒适的,安逸的,惬意的 house [haus] 别墅 a two-story house 一个两层别墅 conventional [k?n?ven??nl] brick building 传统的砖头房子 typical [?tipik?l] of the area 本地有代表性的 spacious [?spei??s] adj 宽敞的 light and airy [?e?ri:] adj 明亮通风的 Part 2 地点题---2010年1月-9月 Describe a modern building. 地点新题 Describe a place with a lot of water. 老题新出 Describe an interesting historic building. 经典老题 Describe a place where you l


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