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《研究生高级英语教师用书》Advanced English for Graduate Students(Teachers’ Book)UNIT ONEText: The Idea of a UniversityBackground InformationClark Kerr (1911-2003) was an American professor of economics and academic administrator. He was the first chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley and the twelfth president of the University of California (1958-1967). He is acknowledged as one of the architects of the modern public university — and, in particular, the American research university. In an era of unprecedented growth in American higher education, he recognized the distinct roles of community colleges, state universities and the ‘flagship’ research universities, and he coined the term “multiversity” in an attempt to capture the reality of large universities that had evolved to be a “whole series of communities and activities held together by a common name, a common governing board and related purposes,” reflecting the wisdom and thoughtfulness of one of America’s preeminent higher education specialists.Key to ExercisesIII. Vocabulary StudyChoose the word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.1. B 2. D 3.A 4. A 5. C6. B 7. D 8.C 9. C 10. AIV. ClozeThere are 10 blanks in the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper word. 1.relationship2. ability3. living4. farmers5. respond6. on 7. benefits 8. marry9. after10. towardTranslation of the Text大学的理想克拉克克尔一个多世纪前,红衣主教纽曼在参与建立都柏林大学时对“大学的理想”的阐述也许是最到位的。他早年毕业于牛津,其观点也反映了他那个时代的牛津精神。纽曼写道:“一所大学捍卫了全部的知识和科学,捍卫了事实和原则,捍卫了探究和新发现,捍卫了实验和猜测;大学开辟出知识的领域,并且确保外界没有僭越该领域,也不会向任何一方妥协。” 他更崇尚“博学”,并声称“有用的知识”是“一堆垃圾”。大约250年前,培根谴责了“人们对精神的一种迷恋……由此人类远离了对自然的思考,远离了对经验的观察,在自身的理性和自负中历经坎坷。”纽曼对培根这个仍阴魂不散的观点进行了反驳。培根认为知识应该为人类所用,并造福人类,知识“不应该只是个带来快感和虚荣的高级妓女,或者只是一个任凭主人使唤的丫头;知识应该是个贤妻良母,为家里传宗接代并给家人带来舒适的生活。” 针对培根的这个观点,纽曼回应道:“知识可以成为其自身的目的。人们的心态亦是如此:任何一种知识都会有回报。” 纽曼猛烈地抨击了培根,他说:“先生们,你们会说,功利性的哲学至少起到了作用;而且我承认—功利性的哲学虽立意不高,但也达成了其目的。”纽曼认为其他机构应该从事研究工作,因为“如果其目标是科学和哲学的新发现,我弄不明白为什么一所大学为何需要招收学生” — 颇有讽刺意味的是,这个观察结果在当今的学生中也引起了共鸣。他们觉得老师们对他们根本没兴趣,而


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