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Unit2 At the Table (在餐桌旁)五年级(上) Lesson2-1 Warmer up: 热身活动 听歌激趣《My pencil》 温故知新:1.A: What would you like for dinner,Andy? B: Dumplings. 2.A: Whats for breakfast ,Rex? B: Chicken, rice, and soup. 3.I dont like vegetables . Id like to eat some ice-cream very much. 一、Study目标:一日三和餐餐具名称 3 .Listen,point and say(听读指认学习) Answer my questions:(回答我的问题) A:Do you have a spoon,Rex? (雷克斯,你有一把勺子吗?) B1:Yes,I Do. (是的,我有一把勺子。) B2:No,I dont. (不,我没有有一把勺子。) spoon 勺子,调羹 plate 盘子 a plate of cup 小茶杯 a cup of chopsticks 筷子 a pair of chopstick fork 叉子 bowl 碗 a bowl of 一碗 glass 玻璃杯 a glass of一玻璃杯 4.Listen ,number and say 听一听,标号,说一说 1 3 8 7 4 2 6 5 (1) 1)男孩: What can I du for you,Mum? 妈妈:I want two cups,two cups,please. 2)女孩:Can I help you,dad? 爸爸:Three pairs of chopsticks,please.Three pairs of chopsticks. (2) 3)男孩:May I help you,Uncle. 叔叔:Yes,thank you。Pass me a fork,please. 4)女孩:Let me help you,aunt. 阿姨:Good boy.Pass me the plates,please.The plates. 3) 5)男孩:Are these spoon clean? 妈妈:No,these spoon are not clean. 6)女孩:Are these bowls clean? 爸爸:Yes,these bowls are clean. 4) 7)男孩:What arethose? Are they knives? 女孩:Yes, they are knives. 8)女孩:What arethose?Are they glasses? 男孩:Yes,they are glasses. 6.Read and draw (读读,画画) 1) A:What would you like for breakfast? (早餐你想吃什么?) B: A glass of milk and two pieces of bread . (一杯牛奶,和两块面包。) The animation动画1 2) A:What would you like for lunch? (午餐你想吃什么?) A plate of dummpings and a bowl of rice. (一盘饺子和一碗米饭。) The animation动画2 3) A:What would you like for tea? (早茶你喜欢吃什么) A piece of cake . (一块蛋糕。) The animation动画3 4) A: Bring me two knives and four forks. (给我那两把刀子和四把叉子来。) B: All right ./ Ok. (好的。) The animation动画4) 5) A: Bring me a pair of chopsticks and a spoon. .(请给我拿一双筷子和一把勺子。) B: ok.(好的。) The animation动画5)


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