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;If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art their the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability .Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that;市 / 场 / 分 / 析 ;;;;二、09年厦门大力构建海西中心城市 经济增长全面保八;;3、09年厦门经济全面保增长 全年GDP增长8%;4、以房地产为代表的第三产业成为09年经济增长的支柱;;厦门加大岛外市政投入,减小岛内外差距,在交通瓶颈逐步改善下,岛外发展加速;在翔安隧道即将通车,东部交通进一步改善. 翔安新城、环东海域、杏林湾、新客站将是2010年岛外开发的热点。; ;;一、市场总体走势分析 1、09年从刚性需求起步带动改善性、投资性需求全面增长,全年住宅成交增长289%。;;;;;;;;三、市场未来走势分析;;;2、观音山定位为海峡西岸最大的商务营运中心区 ;;;;3、区域内是享有岛内100-150平方米入户政策的三大片区之一;;;1、观音山版块;;;湖边水库片区靠近中心区,区域内品牌开发商进驻有万科/世茂、湖边水库景观及享有“100㎡落户”产品新规划,是目前最有竞争力的版块。 湖边水库价格将与城市中心区接近,将主要吸引高端客层。;;;;;;;;;;;业 / 务 / 篇 ;;; ◆本区域距发展为高档居住片区至少要5年的时间段 本项目选在片区尚未发展成熟之际开发 开发商需要走一条自己的路, 找到本案致胜的突破口 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;企/划/篇;If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that for the civilization of human being ,because creativity allows more meaningful for times. ;变 Things gonna be Changes;;2010 纯岛内血统 观音山未来CBD,崛起5C国际生态复合城;;;项目包装;;;If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that for the civilization of human being ,because creativity allows more meaningful for times. ;LOGO 方案一;LOGO 方案二;LOGO 方案三;LOGO 方案四;If the performance of 20th century architecture is technological capability . Then the 21st century will be the creativity of the highest value. Building the future will be like create an art that for the civilization of human being ,because creativity allows more meaningful for times. ;;;(1)主要目的:本时段宣传以注重项目悬念导入市场为 主,辅以造势宣传,吸引市场关注和意向


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