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版权归原作者所有 本译文仅限学习交流使用 不得用于任何商业用途 翻译:王子番 首都经济贸易大学 金融学院 版权归原作者所有 本译文仅限学习交流使用 不得用于任何商业用途 翻译:王子番 首都经济贸易大学 金融学院 IS BROAD CHANGE COMING? 大规模的改变来临了吗? In the 1960s, state governments entered a period of major growth and change. Legislatures created or expanded programs, including Medicaid, special education for children with disabilities, and environmental protection; they imposed new taxes and charges to pay for these services. The expansion of state governments was accompanied-and in part driven-by significant changes in the processes that determine representation and policymaking. Legislatures became more \professional,\ with larger staffs to provide expertise and political balance to the governors whose offices had taken an increasing share of influence during the preceding half-century. They also became more representative, due to court decisions on reapportionment and an increasing political participation by minority groups. 在 1960 年代,政府进入了一个时期的主要增长和变化。立法机关创建或扩展项目,包括医疗、特殊教育残疾儿童和环 境保护,他们实施了新的税收和费用来支付这些服务。国家政府的扩张是陪同和部分由重大变化和政策制定过程决定 表示。立法机构变得更“专业”,更大的员工提供专业知识和政治平衡的州长的办公室已经越来越分享影响力在前半个 世纪。他们也变得更有代表性,由于法院决定重新分配和增加少数民族政治参与的。 It is possible that such a period of consensus for greater activism will return. In the context of fiscal sustainability, such an evolution in voter attitudes could mean support for higher taxes. As state and local governments seek to eliminate significant structural budget gaps, elected leaders will look to make changes on both the expenditure and revenue sides of the budget. Other chapters in this volume examine barriers to the expansion of state and local tax systems. Here it may suffice to note that the last period of major change in state fiscal systems-during the 1960s and 1970s


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