ISL9492ERZ-T,ISL9492ERZ-T, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdfVIP

ISL9492ERZ-T,ISL9492ERZ-T, 规格书,Datasheet 资料.pdf

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Single Output LNB Supply and Control Voltage Regulator with I2C Interface for Satellite Set-Top Box Designs ISL9492 Features The ISL9492 is a highly integrated voltage regulator and • Single-Chip Power Solution interface IC specifically designed for supplying power and control - Operation for 1-Tuner/1-Dish Applications signals from advanced satellite set-top box (STB) modules to the - Integrated DC/DC Converter and I2C Interface low noise blocks (LNB) of a single antenna port. It also supports DiSEqC tone generation and modulation with diagnostic status • Integrated Boost MOSFET 2 read-back. Controlling the ISL9492 is simple via the I C bus by • Switch-Mode Power Converter for Lowest Dissipation writing 8 bit words onto the System Registers (SR). - 490kHz Boost Switching Frequency The device design makes the total LNB supply design simple, - Boost PWMs with 92% Efficiency efficient and compact with low external component count by - Selectable 13.5V or 18.5V Outputs 2 integrating Boost power MOSFET, current-mode boost PWM and - I C and Pin Controllable Output a low-noise linear regulator. The current-mode boost converters • 31V Output Back-Bias Capability provide the linear regulator with inpu


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