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美联英语提供:这12种表达,让你显得一点都不专业 分享一个免费试听课,名额有限,碰碰运气吧/test/xingzuo.html?tid=16-73675-0 We all do it sometimes. We undermine ourselves by using less-effective language, verbal tics, and other oral miscues. That means theres always room for improvement to help your messages get through effectively. 我们有时候会这样:说一些没多大用处的话,比如口头禅或口误而大大削弱了自己真正想表达的意思。这意味着你的有效传达信息能力还有待提高。 We can all also use a little reminder now and then, so here are 12 of the worst offenses 我们时不时会使用一些提示语,那么下面的这12个便是交谈中被视为最糟糕的口头禅了。 1.“No problem” (when you really mean “you’re welcome”) 1.“没关系”(当你想表达“不客气”的时候) When you say “no problem” in response to “thank you,” you’re actually devaluing the person who offers thanks by suggesting that whatever you did for him or her was of so little value to you that it hardly required effort. 当你回应别人的“谢谢你”时使用“没关系”,实际上此时你在暗示无论你帮助他/她做了什么事情都是如此微不足道的,从而间接贬低了对你表达感谢的人。 2.“Sorry” (when you mean “excuse me”) 2.“对不起”(当你想表达“不好意思”的时候) Everyone appreciates a sincere apology, but using “sorry” when you really mean “excuse me” (or perhaps simply “get out of my way”) undermines your professionalism--and can make you sound a little like a bully. 人们都欣赏真诚的道歉,但是当你在表达“不好意思”(或仅仅是,“请让一让”时),你说了“对不起”,实际上在削弱你的专业性,甚至让你听起来有点气势凌人。 3. “Just … ” 3.“只是……” There’s not enough justice in this world, but when you use the word just in the wrong context, you minimize your impact. “I just want to bring up one point,” for example, telegraphs that whatever you’re about to say is of little importance. 世界上永远没有足够的公平,而当你在不恰当的情况下使用了这个词,就会降低你的影响力。比如说,“我只想提出一点”,意味着无论你说什么都是没多大用处的。 4. “Know what I mean?” 4.“你懂我意思吗?” While it’s smart to ensure that people you’re speaking with are on the same page, it’s pretty annoying--and unprofessional--to be so unaware of your verbal tics that you keep repeating the same phrases. 尽管确保他人听懂你所表达的意思是很聪明的做法,但是有时候也会非常恼人,而且也不专业,因为你没有意识到自己一直在重复这句口头禅。 5. Syllogisms 5.推断论 We live in a time of syllogisms: “It is what it is” and “It’s all good,” for example. These are harmless phrases in the abstract, and the


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