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從文字敍述回歸口耳相傳 - 香港口述歷史參考資源選介 From Narratives Writing to Word-of-mouth - A Selective Guide to Hong Kong Oral History Reference Resources 教育篇 Education 本資源選介旨在介紹在香港中央圖書館館藏及互聯網網域中有關研究香港教育 的口述歷史資源;當中包括大學、專上學院、公、私營機構等經由學者或專業訪 談員蒐集的口述歷史資料及研究成果,也有一些由非學術界人士和義工蒐集的口 述歷史資料及著述。 書目中羅列的口述歷史資源,包括視聽資料、書籍、期刊文章及網上資源等;亦 包括一些在研究或立論過程中顯著地徵引口述歷史的著述,俾讀者對口述歷史的 價值及其在香港的發展有更深的認識。 讀者從昔日校長、老師、學生的口述歷史,可窺探香港教育的轉變,及其對個人 及社會的影響。 The resources listed comprise audio/visual recordings, books, journal articles, and other Web resources currently made available in the Hong Kong Central Library or accessible through the Internet, on oral history resources related to Education in Hong Kong. Oral history records and research outputs collected from tertiary institutes, commissioning projects of NGOs, as well as those collected by amateurs were included, also with books quoting largely from oral history resources, to help readers better appreciate the value of oral histories. Through the oral histories of the then principals, teachers and students of the time, readers can get to know the changes on Education in Hong Kong, and its impact on the individual and the community. 本刊物由香港中央圖館於2013 年8 月編印 Printed by the Hong Kong Central Library in August 2013 1 目錄 Content 1. 認識口述歷史 Understanding Oral History 頁碼 Page 口述歷史的理論、方法及應用 Oral History: Theories, Skills Applications 1.1 通論 General Introduction p. 3 1.2 口述歷史在香港的應用 p. 6 Oral History Applications in Hong Kong 2. 香港口述歷史專題資源選介 Selected Hong Kong Oral History Thematic Resources 教育篇 Education p. 9 3. 網上資源一覽 Summary of Web Resources p. 15 2


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