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Chapter 8 Major Trade Terms 1.Name of commodity Definition: Name of commodity refers to the term or concept used to differentiates one goods from another. 2. Quality of commodity 2. Quality of commodity Quality clause in sales contract Quality clause in sales contract Quality clause in sales contract * Major terms in the description of goods When you want to sell the product to a certain person, firstly you need to introduce and describe the product. Name: Brand: Specification: Origin: Digital camera Nikon IX500 Japan So, if you want to be a good salesman, you must know the product first. Description of goods in Contract Biaxial [bai?ksi?l] Polypropylene [.p?lipr?upli:n] 双轴取向聚丙烯薄膜 (Packing material ) Usually, the name itself reflects to a certain extent the quality of the commodity. Can you tell the name of the following products? Porcelain 瓷器 Pottery 陶器 Ceramic 陶瓷 Case study: A Chinese company GT signed a sale contract with a Japanese buyer for 100(M/T) Chinese date. Given to the belief that date from XinJiang is the best, when the contract was signed, GT put “XinJiang Date” under the title “Descriptions of Goods” as the name of the trade product. However, due to the natural disaster, instead of XinJiang date, GT fulfilled the contract with dates from other province. The Japanese buyer refused to take the goods, and claimed for compensation. Is it reasonable for the Japanese buyer to do that? Name or description of commodity is the substantial foundation of a transaction. The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (H.S.) 《商品名称及编码协调制度》简称“协调制度” In order to avoid disputes, efforts have been made to unify the classification of commodity in the world. H.S. is a universal economic language and set of codes for goods. Therefore, it is very important for us to nominate our products by using the names which are in conformity with H.S. Definition: Quality of commodity refers to the outward appearance and the intrinsic attributes of the commodities.


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