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毕业论文写作;统一填写封 面 ;BA Dissertation Mark Twain’s Humor and Joseph Heller’s Humor BA Candidate X X X Supervisor X X X West Anhui University May 28, 2005; BA Dissertation On the Translation of Culture-loaded Words in the Dreams of Red Mansion ;Acknowledgements; Abstract; Contents;? Chapter 1 Introduction: A Historical Survey……...1 1.1??A Survey on the Study of English nominalization …..1 1.2? A Survey on the Study of Chinese Nominalization .. 10 1.3? The Purpose of the Dissertation …………….…..…16 ?; Chapter 3? A Diachronic Study on Morphological Markers in English and Chinese Lexical Nominalizations …………….……….…21 3.1??????? The Origin and Evolution of English Nominalizing Affixes………………………………….………21 3.2??????? The Origin and Evolution of Chinese Nominalizing Affixes……………………………………….…22 3.3??????? Counter-examples to the Undirectionality of Grammaticalization ……………………..…… 24 VI?;? Chapter 4????? Cognitive Schematic Interpretation of Lexical Nominalization …….… 30 4.1??????? Theoretical Foundation …………..…………30 4.2??????? The MOTION-REST Schema and Application to Lexical Nominalization …………………….. 31; 正文部分;1. Question posing ;Schedule;Choose questions;Planning and Drafting;;;;;;abstract writing ;Abstract This dissertation attempts to revise and supplement the theory of nominalization itself instead of challenging those scholars opposed to nominalization… Through the contrastive study of a variety of English and Chinese data collected through random sampling, the dissertation concludes… ⅱ ;III. Abstract Writing Strategy and Sentence Patterns ;2.Topic sentences;2.Topic sentences;2.Topic sentences;3.Supporting sentences ;3.Supporting sentences;3.


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