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Business hall daily English 1 Receive 2 1. 问候客人: Good morning/afternoon/evening. 早上/下午/晚上好。 Welcome to our business hall. 欢迎光临我们营业厅。 2. 引导: Take this paper and keep your attention in the calling. 拿这张纸等待叫号。 Come this way, please. 请这边走。 Come with me, please. 请跟我来。 3 4 Waiting 5 Hello, I can do transactions here right? 你好,是在这儿办理业务吧? Yes, but a lot of people here now, you have to wait a little longer. 是的,但现在比较多人。恐怕您要稍等一会儿。 How long will it take? 大约要多长时间? About half an hour. You can have a seat and wait. 半个小时左右吧。您可以坐那儿等一会儿。 Sure. 6 Pay the bill 7 Hello, I came to pay my phone bill. 你好,我来交手机费。 Tell me your phone number, please. 请说一下您的手机号码。 1338-166-7377. Your call charges this month are 200 RMB in total. 您本月话费一共是两百元。 Here you are. Give me the receipt, please. 给,麻烦开张发票。 8 Change of business 9 Hello,what can I do for you, please? 您好,请问您要办理什么业务? I want to apply for international calling service. 我想开通国际长途。 You must fill in a form to be able to obtain this service. 你得填些表格才能开通这项业务。 Is the process very complicated? 好,手续很复杂吗? 10 Actually, no. But unlike for domestic service, you have to fill a few more forms. 也不是很复杂。就是比开通国内业务要多填些单子。 I see. What about the change in charges? 知道了。收费有什么变化吗? They are all provided in the forms. Three thousand yuan is required as deposit. 表格里都有说明。您还需要三千元做押金。 OK, thanks 11 Complaint 12 Hello, may I see your manager? 您好,我能见一下你们经理吗? Whats wrong? Perhaps I can help you. 有什么事吗?先跟我说说吧。 I canceled my monthly payment last month, but my phone bill is still being charged 20 yuan. 我上个月取消了包月服务,可你们还是扣了我20元的话费。 I am really sorry about this. Please wait a moment and I will help cancel the service. 实在抱歉。请坐,我这就帮您取消这项服务。 13 I have already cancelled the service through an SMS. 我已经用短信取消了。 Clearly, something wrong with the text messaging service. Just fill in the form and the service will be canceled at once. 看来短信业务出现了问题。填一下这张表吧,服务就能马


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