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2009 3 高 等教 育 研 究 M ar . , 2009 30 3 J our na of H ig her Education V o . 30 N o. 3 * 柳 礼 泉 ( 湖南大学 马克思主义学院, 湖南长沙410082) : 一流性是精品课程最突出的特性和最重要的 涵, 五 个一流是精品课程的 高层次与高水平特征; 先进性是精品课程高质量和高水平的体现, 四项先进是精品课程的 高质量与示范性特征; 特色性作为精品课程独有的风格和不可替代的品质, 三大特色是精 品课程的独特性与创新性特征 : 精品课程; 课程建设; 高等学校; 教学工作 : G642. 3 : A : 2009) 0300 8205 On the character of quality curri culum L IU L iquan ( Colleg e of M arx ism E d ucat ion and St udy , H unan Un iv er sity , Chang sha 4 10082, Ch ina) Abstract : Firstc ass is t he m ost impo rt ant connot at ion and t he mo st pro minent char act er o f qua it y curr icu um, and f ive f irstc ass represents hig h g rade and high eve o f qua ity curr icu um ; advanced nat ure m anif ests qua ity curricu um s qua it y and eve , and four advanced nat ure represents high qua it y and demonst rat ive of qua it y curricu um; characterist ic is t he so e possession sty e of qua it y curricu um and it cant be subst it ut ed, and three characterist ics represents inno vation and specia ity of qua it y curricu um. Key words: qua it y curr icu um; curricu um co nstr uct io n; higher educat io n inst it ut ions; t eaching w ork , , , : ? , ? ? , , , , ? : , , , , , *


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