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2 No. 2 第 期 硫 酸 工 业 2014 4 Sulphuric Acid Industry Apr. ,2014 年 月 硫磺储存设施的设计及危险防控 , , 马小乐 高 飞 董四禄 ( , 京 100038) 中国恩菲工程技术有限公司 北 : , , , 摘 要 硫磺是制酸原料之一 属易燃固体 且粉尘极易发生爆炸 硫磺的储存需充分考虑其危险 。 , , 。 性 随着硫磺制酸装置的大型化 硫磺储存设施的规模也逐渐扩大 危险防控压力剧增 以硫磺的物性 , , 数据为基础 结合实例介绍了硫磺储存设施设计方法 以及针对火灾和粉尘爆炸所采取的危险防控设 , 。 施 为大型硫磺堆场设计工作提供可供借鉴的思路和原则 : 关键词 硫磺 储存设施 火灾 粉尘爆炸 危险防控 中图分类号:TQ111. 14 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002- 1507 (2014)02 -0035 -04 Design and risk prevention and control of sulphur storage facilities MA Xiaole ,GAO Fei,DONG Silu (China ENFI Engineering Technology Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing ,100038,China) Abstract :As a raw material of sulphuric acid production ,sulphur belongs to inflammable solid ,and has the high risk of dust ex- plosion ,thus the risk in the sulphur storage should be well considered. Along with the ever-larger sulphur-burning sulphuric acid plants ,the scale of sulphur storage facilities correspondingly become larger ,leading to the risk prevention and control need more atten- tion. Based on the physical and chemical properties of sulphur ,the design of sulphur storage facilities was introduced through a practi- cal project ,as well as the risk prevention and control methods to prevent fire risk and dust explosion resulted from sulphur ,thus provi- ding some useful thoughts and principles for designing large-scale sulphur st


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