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物理人文 紀念范文祥老師 紀念范文祥老師 文/ Lewis Rothberg 、曹培熙、Jonathon David White 、魏培坤、陳信良、楊禮綾、黃一芳、張宜仁 中央研究院的范文祥老師不幸於今年九月二十六日晚上,安靜地離開了人間,在家人與親友的祝 禱下,前往西方極樂世界。范老師於一九九零年獲得美國史丹佛大學物理博士後,到貝爾實驗室從事 研究。一九九三年初回到原分所服務,也在台大物理系合聘任教。十多年來,他的研究成效卓越,獲 得國內外同業的敬重,也深受同學與助理的敬愛。最近幾年來,范老師雖然一次又一次地受到癌症的 打擊,他還是堅毅不拔地投入研究工作,完成了多項令國際注目的作品。我們曾經與范老師都有過一 起合作的經驗,深深感覺喪失了重要的良師益友,為了紀念范老師,我們合作寫了本篇文章,希望能 讓大家更瞭解范老師的研究與他那令人懷念的為人處事態度 。 Lewis Rothberg worked at Bell Laboratories at the time, we were able to spend a good amount of time together, both socially and Professor of Chemistry (and Physics), University of Rochester professionally. Fann was quiet but always curious and My first interactions with Wunshain Fann were in good-natured. I found him very Western in the way that 1989 during his period as a graduate student at Stanford he used teasing as a way to express more serious working on third harmonic generation in polyacetylene feelings. In this way and others, he always conveyed a films using the free electron laser. I remain grateful to sense of deep affection for me and others even though Bob Austin and Shahab Etemad, also dear friends of he rarely shared his personal feelings explicitly. Fann Fann, who introduced us. At the time, the FEL was and I maintained close contact over the years and I felt something of an experiment in itself and Fann was the fortunate to be working in the same areas of science only student in John Madey’s very large group who was both f


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