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综合英语(2)句子翻译 玛黜皮黜(Machu Picchu)城是位于秘鲁安第斯山脉高山上的一座古老城市,那里完全与世隔绝,风景秀丽,神秘莫测。 Machu Picchu is an ancient city on a mountain high in the Peruvian Andes. A beautiful and mysterious site, it is completely isolated. 另外一点是,东京和日本其他大城市的犯罪率很低。我一直感到很安全,从来不用为犯罪问题担心。 Another thing is the low crime rate in Tokyo and other big cities in Japan. I always felt safe and never worried about crime. 这部引人入胜而又往往胆战心惊的小说的写作目的在于,让我们对周围习以为常的事物觉得不舒服。 This entertaining and often shocking novel is designed to make us feel uncomfortable about nearly everything we take for granted. 我们都知道锻炼身体对保持身体健康和减少疾病非常重要。锻炼身体还会减轻压力,保护身体的免疫系统。 We all know that exercise is important in keeping the body healthy and reducing the risks of disease. It also cuts down on stress and protects the immune system. 在看戏时,她总是从你的膝盖上跨到她的座位那儿去而影响你观看第一幕的演出。上班时,你不可能期望她按时参加九点的会议。 At the theater, she disrupts the first act as she climbs over your knees toward her seat. At work, you don’t expect her at your 9:00 a.m. meeting. 你老是无缘无故地发脾气。 You have been losing your temper over nothing. 我把头发卖了,因为我不能过圣诞节而不送给你任何礼物。 .I sold my hair because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. 和你上司建立一种效率特高而又互相支持的关系。理解其问题所在,也帮助其理解你的问题所在。 Build an especially effective and supportive relationship with your boss. Understand his or problems and help the boss to understand yours. 把紧急电话号码放在电话附近。 Keep emergency numbers next to the telephone. 10.排球是在一个长方形的场地上进行的,场地中间有一个较高的网。 Volleyball is played on a rectangular court divided across its width by a high net. 11.争取吃过午饭或晚餐后散散步以促进新陈代谢,消耗些能量,只要能爬楼梯就不要乘电梯。 Try to go for a walk after lunch or dinner to boost your metabolism and work off some calories. Use the stairs instead of the elevator whenever you can. 12.家庭电视购物网络知道热情亲切的主持人所起的作用,也知道名人佳宾为产品捧场所产生的魅力,还利用优惠的价格从心理上吸引顾客。 Home shopping networks understand the power of an enthusiastic host,the glamour of celebrity guests endorsing their products,and the emotional pull of a bargain. 13.一些行业经理认为家庭电视购物网络代表着”未来的电子购物


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