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研究报告 子午沙鼠繁殖 徐艺玫1,廖力夫1,史 深1,叶尔兰2,罗 芸1,赵红琼2, (1. 新疆实验动物研究中心,乌鲁木齐830002乌鲁木齐 830002 【摘要】 目的 子午沙鼠实验室繁殖。方法1996~200年饲养子午沙鼠胎次和月份每数、离乳数、成活率和性结果 ±21.0 )d和(106.3±21.7 )d,妊娠期为(21.3±1.4 )d;1~7胎各胎次之间出生数和离乳数差异不显著(P0.05),而第胎成活率胎数差异显著(P0.05);雌雄百分差异没有显著(P0.05),各胎次平均雌雄比例为1.4:1.0。在12个月份中,9月11月,其它各月份之间每出生数之间差异不显著(P0.05),每离乳数和成活率在部分月份之间差异有显著(P0.05)。结论实验室驯化对子午沙鼠繁殖影响,结果为该鼠种实验提供参考。 【关键词】 子午沙鼠;;;成活率;性别 【中图分类号】R33【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1671-7856(201)-0000-00 Doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671-7856.2016.02.000 Reproductive performance of indoor-housed Meriones meridianus XU Yi-mei1, LIAO Li-fu1, SHI Shen1, YE Er-lan2, LUO Yun1, ZHAO Hong-qiong2 (1. Center for Laboratory Animal Research of Xinjiang, Urumqi 830002, China.2. Agricultural University of Xinjiang, Academy of Animal Husbandry Sciences, Urumqi 830002) 【Abstract】 Objective The purpose of this study was to investigate the reproduction characteristics of indoor-housed Meriones meridianus. Methods According to the data of Meriones meridianus from 1996 to 2002 in the Center for Laboratory Animal research of Xinjiang, the sexual maturity period of male and female animals, the gestation period of female animals, the litter size, weaning rate, survival rate, sex ratio per month and different fetal times were statistically analyzed. Results Sexual maturity period of male and female animals was 109.3±21.0 days and 106.3±21.7 days, and gestation period of female animals was 21.3±1.4 days. The litter size, weaning rate of different fetal times showed no significant difference compared between those of the first to seventh litter (P0.05), and the survival rate of fourth and sixth litter were lower than that of the average offspring per litter, but there was no significant difference (P0.05). The sex ratio of from first to sixth litter indicated no significant difference (P0.05), and the average proportion of male and female was 1.4:1.0. During a year, the animals almost stopped to reproduce from Septem


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