记录了自己的抗病过程 Kido Asia is also the age of 15 suffering.PPT

记录了自己的抗病过程 Kido Asia is also the age of 15 suffering.PPT

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记录了自己的抗病过程 Kido Asia is also the age of 15 suffering

冯波桃 陈阳娃 陈纯 黄彩云 孙静 Her mother said: “Sell the house. saying that I would like for you to university. Liu Mohan wiped tears firmly opposed. Critical moment, her relatives and friends who come up with a lot of various denominations of Ling Chao, miraculously cobble together a few thousand dollars in tuition fees. At the second month , Mohan found a job as a tutor. She became the most populor tutor in the center , at the most time,she did three tutor jobs at the same time. At the winter vacation of 2005, Mo-Han Liu in the support of Wuji Middle School, through the Office of classes to raise to 4110 yuan for 14 underprivileged high school students were paid 100 yuan, 200 yuan, ranging from grants. This action as Mohan grants, the originator. 木藤亚也15岁时身患不治之症(脊髓小脑变性症),直至25岁去世,这是一个在日本感动了成千上万人的真实故事。 亚也患上了一种病因不明的骨髓小脑变异症。为了鼓励自己以及家人和朋友,亚也从知道自己患病的那一天起便开始写日记,记录了自己的抗病过程。    Death is not terrible, terrible thing is that we give up easily in the face of death itself. 10 years, and disease resistance of 10 years; a girl the most beautiful, the most youthful 10 years. Asia also recorded his own way of life, beautiful, precious life. In the 25 years of age quietly left this world. But she has given countless people the courage to bring the life and power. “死亡并不可怕,可怕的是我们在死亡面前轻易就放弃自己”。 10年,和病魔抗争的10年;一个女孩最美好、最青春的10年。亚也用自己的方式记录着生活的美好,生命的宝贵。在25岁时平静地离开了这个世界。但她却给无数人带去了生活的勇气和动力。 Life is life, investment and income. If you have money, they invest money; if you do not have money, experience and ability, experience and capacity to invest; if you have neither money nor the experience and ability, but you have enthusiasm, hard work and effort put into it enthusiasm, hard work and efforts. If you have neither the money nor the experience and ability, with enthusiasm, hard work and efforts have not, it should not even think these up. ? 人生就是投资和收益的人生。如果你有钱,就投入金钱;如果你没有金钱,而有经验和能力,就投入经验和能力;如果你既没有金钱,也没有经验和能力,但是你有热情、勤奋和努力,那就投入热情、勤奋和努力。如果你既没有金钱,也没有经验和能力,连热情、勤奋和努力也没有,那


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