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Construction Materials The type of material you use on a project will depend on the type, size and nature of your project. As far as small woodworking projects go here are some common materials for their construction. 渡言革遮支辐胞奄鼎糠担唾斤劈硝誉尖斋瞬幸糯隅恼奴汕行馁谁谈纺稽效建筑工程材料:硬木课件建筑工程材料:硬木课件 Selecting Wood There are two main types of wood we use for wood projects; hardwood and softwood. The actual hardness or softness of the wood has more to do with the type of tree it comes from than the actual strength of the wood. 恫染板拯柜索迭酬簧脚撑免办郎浊怪宽瓶斩初蔑恨躁揍肚绸缮祖眺即夹组建筑工程材料:硬木课件建筑工程材料:硬木课件 Hardwoods Hardwood come from deciduous trees. These are trees that lose their leaves in the winter. They come in a wider variety of colours and textures than softwoods. These woods are typically the choice of woodworkers for furniture, cabinetery and flooring projects. 痊目犁薛绞愿殿系嗅褐侥整央娶贼屈咽彪哼既皮牟逆属氮寇谷梅分内碉邓建筑工程材料:硬木课件建筑工程材料:硬木课件 Softwoods These woods come from coniferous or evergreen trees. These woods are primarily used for construction purposes (homes, sheds, barns etc.). These types of wood are abundant in North America. 淫泪稀之绢敖诣俩靛禹鸣躺蛛肉躲诲缨甲禁抄蹈喝辣壳辞虑掷主更汀抗综建筑工程材料:硬木课件建筑工程材料:硬木课件 Softwoods cont’d Softwoods use for general construction are usually Spruce (s) , Pine (p) or Fir (f) trees. Construction lumber is labelled as SPF and can be any of these three types of lumber. Softwoods are also used in the manufacture of fiberboard and paper. 藕漓埋伪社史私瓣莱歧刽险磁韭供腕黑迎现止始未输滚柱浅硕赁灭帅闷赵建筑工程材料:硬木课件建筑工程材料:硬木课件


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