旅游英语UNIT 9课件.ppt

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旅游英语UNIT 9课件

English for Tourism and Travel;Part I Lecture Time Assigned;I. LISTENING ACTIVITIES;LISTENING 2 Lingyin Temple ;The Text and Its Recording Listening 1 Temple of Heaven ;1. Lingyin Temple is located in a long, narrow valley between Feilaifeng (Peak Flown from Afar) and North Peak to the southwest __________ of the West Lake at Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province. 2. The presence of a temple on this site can be traced back to the Eastern Jin Dynasty when, according to a foreign __________ legend, Huili, an Indian monk came to the area where he was inspired by the spiritual nature of the scenery here. 3. To his mind this had to be a dwelling of the immortals and so he gave the temple a nickname __________ “Lingyin” (Temple of the Soul’s Retreat) . 4. The Chinese name is translated into English as either “ Temple of the Soul’s Retreat” or “ Temple of Inspired Seclusion” for the place _________ has a quiet and beautiful grandeur that encourages a feeling of peace and for contemplation. 5. In its heyday, the temple comprised nine buildings, sixteen __________ pavilions and seventy-seven halls with over thirteen hundred rooms providing accommodation for over __________ three thousand monks. 6. The main structure of the temple that can be seen today is a result of the innovation ________ that was carried out in 1974. 7. The temple is notable as one of the eight ____________ most famous Buddhist temples in China. ;II. SITUATIONAL DIALOGUE ;Pingwu Bao’en Temple Dialogue 1;Listen To Dialogue 1 And Decide Whether The Statements After The Dialogue Are True(T) Or False(F) 1. _________ Pingwu Bao’en Temple is featured by dragon figures. 2. _________Mr. Brown is scared by the dragons around the inscribed horizontal board of the entrance gate. 3. _________ Heng and Ha are evil creatures, but they eat ghosts. 4. _________ The guide tries to tease tourists by mentioning the ferocious guardians. 5. _________ Mr. Brown died hard because of the ferocious guardians and dragons e



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