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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: /publication/275346461 Casting an aluminum plate Research April 2015 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4315.6008 CITATIONS READS 0 36 3 authors, including: Xinyou Ke 18 PUBLICATIONS 26 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Mathematical modeling of flow battery systems View project Slurry electrodes used in electrochemical flow capacitors and all-iron flow batteries View project All content following this page was uploaded by Xinyou Ke on 24 April 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. “永冠杯”第二届中国大学生铸造工艺设计大赛 “永冠杯”第二届中国大学生铸造工艺设计大赛 参赛作品 The Second “Young Guan” Casting Design Contest for Undergraduate Students of China 铸件名称:C 件-铝合金组合支架 作者 :柯昕佑(X i n y o u K e ), 李庆( Q i n g L i ) 指导老师 :赵海东(H a i d o n g Z h a o ) 自编代码:AC6316KL “永冠杯”第二届中国大学生铸造工艺设计大赛 目录 摘 要 (abstract)2 [1] 1 铝合金支架三维造型的设计 (3D design of aluminum plate) 3 2 铸造工艺设计 (casting design) 3 2.1 铸造方式 (casting method)3 2.2 浇注方式 (pouring method) 4 2.3 分型面的确定 (parting) 4 2.4 浇注系统的设计 (pouring system design)5 2.4.1 金属型浇注系统的计算 (calcuation) 5 2.4.2 直浇道 (sprue) 6 2.4.3 横浇道 (runner) 6 2.4.4 内浇道(insdier runner) 7 2.4.5 铸件模型 (casting model)7 3 模具设计 (mold design)8 4 铸造过程模拟仿真 (simulation of casting process) 9 4.1 模拟前处理 (pre-process) 10 4.4 模


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