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660 MW 付龙龙, 马晓珑, 辛军放, 赵景涛 西安热工研究院有限公司, 陕西 西安 710032 [ ] 介绍了华能井冈山电厂3 号超超临界660 MW 机组锅炉吹 过程及技术特点因吹 时炉水循环泵未安装, 故为在无炉水循环泵条件下的蒸汽吹 ;使用相邻机组电动给水 泵( 电泵) , 为无电泵机组吹 锅炉疏水回收到除氧器, 缓解了凝汽器不具备进水条件 导致的吹 水量不足问题虽与常规机组锅炉吹 条件不同,但吹 结果完全符合规 范要求 [ ] 超超临界;600 MW 机组;锅炉;吹 ; 电泵;疏水; 除氧器 [ ] T K229.2 [] B [ ] 2011 [DOI ] 10.3969/j.issn. 2011.06.041 TECHNICAL FEATURES OFPIPEBLOWINGON ULTRASUPERCRITICAL 660 MW UNITIN JINGGUANGSHAN POWER PLANT FU Longlong, M Xiaolong,XIN Junfang,ZH O Jingtao Xi an T hermal Power Research Institute Co Ltd, Xi an 710032, Shaanxi Province, PRC Abstract:T he pipeblowing process and its technical features for boiler of ultrasupercritical 660 MW unit no.3 in Huaneng Jinggangshan Power Plant have been presented.Owing to the boiler water circu lating pump hadn t been installed at the time of pipeblowing,therfore, it is called pipeblowing using steam under condition without theboiler water circulating pump.By using the motordriven feedwater pump of neighbouring unit, the pipeblowing of unit without feedwater pump has been realized. The drain from boiler is reclaimed into the deaerator,alleviating the problem of having not enough water to carry out the pipeblowing due to the condenser hasn t prepared for waterintaking. Though it is dif ferent from the pipeblowing condition of boiler for conventional units, however, the effectiveness of pipeblowing is fully conformed to therequirements defined in specifications,playing certain exemplary role. ey words: ultrasupercritical; 660 MW unit; boiler; pipeblowing; motordriven feedwater pump; drain;deaerator 2 660 MW 3 , DG2060/ 26. 15!2 1 : (


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