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29 4 ( ) Vol. 29, No. 4 2005 7 Journal of Nanjin Forestry University( N atural Sciences Edition) Jul. , 2005 * * 童丽丽, 汤庚国 , 许晓岗 ( 南京林业大学风景园林学院, 江苏 南京 210037) : 在对南京牛首山地区进行植物调查和标本采集的 础上, 进行了该地区植物区系 本组成科属种 的分析, 对其植物区系特点进行了总结, 并与相似纬度的南京幕府山开发保护区盱眙铁山寺自然保护区以及 安徽黄山风景区3 个地点的植物区系进行了R/ T 比值的比较, 以及相似性系数的比较结果表明, 牛首山与 幕府山植物在属的相似性上最大; 牛首山与铁山寺植物在种的相似性上最大 : 牛首山; 植物区系特点; R/ T 比值; 相似性系数 : S718. 49 : A : 1000- 2006( 2005) 04- 0078- 05 Floristic Characteristics of Mt. Niushou, Nanjing and Relationship with Its Circumferential Floras * T ONG L-i li, TA NG Gen - uo , XU X iao- an ( Colle e of Landscape Architectur e Nanj in Forestry U niver sity, Nanj in 210037, China) Abstract:Based on the investi ations of the ve etation and the collection of samples, the flora composition of M t. Niushou in term s of families, enera, and species w ere analyzed. T he flo- r istic char acteristics w ere compared w ith those of the floras in the similar latitude such as Mt . M ufu Development and Protection Area, Nanjin , T ieshan T emple Nature Protection Ar- ea, Xuyi, and Yellow M ountain Scenic A rea, Anhui province respectively in term s of R/ T r ate and similarity coefficient. The results show ed that M t. Niushou flor a is more closely allied to Mt . M ufu in terms of enera similarities w hile the flora is more closely allied to T ieshan Temple in ter ms of species similarities. Ke words:M t . Niushou; Floristic characteristics; R/ T rate; Similarity coefficient , ( 248 m) ( 256 m) , 50 km2 [ 1] ,



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