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第一章:句子结构(一划句子结构) 一、名词性从句: 一)主语从句:it may (well) be that + 主从; it be +adj./ed/n. + that + 主从; it seem/happen/appear + that + 主从 二) 宾语从句:动词型:that不能省略/ 介词型:介词后只能接疑问词引导的宾语从句(除in that, except that, but that) 三)表语从句:主语+be+that从句/疑问词型从句 二、特殊结构: 一)强调:it is…that …; it is not until…that…;many n…..,if not most, do sth; n. is as…as…, if not more so. 二)倒装: 三)as结构: Prep.: accept/ classify/ define/ describe/ know/ name/ refer to/ regard/ speak of/ state/ think/ think of/ view as n. Conj.: (just) as …, 主句; (just) as …, so主句; (just) as …, so too主句(部分倒装); Pron.: 代替单主句 (e.g. indirect socialization also occurs, as when television shows reinforce stereotyped images) 四)同位结构:同位语,主语…(一定要一致) 解释:n.,n.; a n., n.; n., a n.; the n., n.; 内容具体化:抽象n.(theory/ evidence/ belief/ principle/hypothesis) + that从句 (that不能省略);of 表示所属关系,强调部分概念。 概括:a n. (program/ information/ effort/ practice) that 修饰:n., n. that从句 代词:n., one/ones + that从句 五)独立主格:with/each) + n./ ed/ ing/ adj.phrase/ prep.phrase (注意each后接单数its非their) 六)省略结构:V.+that 两个句子并列,第一个含有be作为助动词或become,第二个句子中的be或become必须省略。 七)否定结构: Is not A, but B; not A, but rather B; is A, rather than B; is A, not B. 八)时态 练习: Ozone is formed in the atmosphere when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react with sunlight. 2. Quasars are believed to be the cores of galaxies in an early stage of development. while some propose to combat widespread illegal copying of computer programs by attempting to change people’s attitudes toward pirating, others suggest reducing software prices to decrease the incentive for pirating, and still others are calling for the prosecution of those who copy software illegally. South Korea’s church membership is expanding by 6.6.% a year, fully two-thirds of the growth coming from conversions rather than increases in the population. 5. Modernizing the steel mill, a program that can, it is hoped, be completed in the late 1980’s, will cost 51 million dollars. 6. Many writers of modern English have acquired careless habits that damage the clarity


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