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摘 要 论文首先论述了系统的开发背景,并对所用到的开发工具与关键技术做了简单的介绍。接着对系统的研究意义,研究现状及设计目标进行分析,通过对系统需求和可行性进行分析,确定了系统的功能模块,并画出相应的功能结构图、模块图和数据流图。其次按系统总体设计的结果,对系统中的数据库进行结构设计。 论文主要是针对图书馆查询和管理资料方面的研究,介绍了系统建立的目的、系统分析、系统结构、系统设计、系统实施等。系统的建立将实现录入、查询、修改、删除、维护、分类统计的自动化功能,操作人员轻而易举的就能使用该软件来达到对图书信息的管理。? 图书管理系统主要是完成图书管理员对图书的管理(增加新书,删除旧书,并修改等的图书编辑);图书管理员对读者借还书的统计(图书的在库数目和还日期的统计)和管理;读者和管理员对图书信息和读者信息的查询;当查到所需信息时,打印出相应的信息报表等工作。Java Swing组件;SQL Server 2000数据库; ABSTRACT Firstly, this paper discusses the development background of the system, and make a briefly introduction to the development tool and key technologies. Then, this paper analyzing the system’s research significance , research present situation and project objective .According to the requirement analysis and feasibility analysis ,it can confirm the system’s functional module, and draw corresponding functional configuration chart ,module chart and data stream chart. On the basis of the result of system design, designing database by structured design method. ?? This article mainly is aimed at searching and mongering library books, introduce establish system’s point, system’s analysis, system’s structure, system’s design, system’s function. System establishes will achieve input, demand, modification, delete, and maintenance, keep attendance records and classify statistical automate function. An operator can use this software to administer book’s record easily. The Administrative System of Books’ has three functions, they are: books managed by books managers (adding new books, deleting old books , modifying book records and so on ),managing and counting readers’ borrowing and returning by books managers, searching for books information and readers information by both books managers and readers. When the needed information is searched, you can print it. Keywords: Components of Java Swing;SQL Server 2000 Database; of Books;Library 目 录 第1章 绪论 1 1.1研究背景 1 1.2研究内容 1 第2章 系统应用开发相关技术介绍 3 2.1 Java语言的介绍 3 2.1.1 java语言基本概念 3 2.1.2 Java语言的特点 3 2.1.3 Java作为数据库


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