icepak网格划分方法 meshing.ppt

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icepak网格划分方法 meshing

Choice of three meshers available: Two Hexahedral meshers Suited for most (99%) of electronics cooling applications. Unstructured It can be used for most applications satisfactorily Cartesian Tetrahedral mesher Intended for some complex geometry Must be used for ellipsoids, elliptical cylinders, or polygonal ducting All the methods are fully automated Can generate computational meshes at varying levels of complexity No parameters set Parameters defined on an object by object basis After meshing, Icepak loads the mesh and checks the key quality measure, and reports the minimum value in the message window. If there are cells with poor quality, Icepak will automatically display them. The Key measures are: Face Alignment for Hexahedral Aspect Ratio for Tetrahedral Two Hexahedral Meshers Unstructured Mesh will follow the geometry Uses all element types to fit the mesh to the geometry Background mesh is made of hexahedral elements Cartesian Mesh will be structured mesh consisting only of hexahedral elements Stair-step approximations to non-rectangular geometry Both of these meshers can be used to mesh assemblies separately. This will be discussed in more detail later. Both meshers have the same global and per-object settings. During the meshing process for the hexahedral meshers, Icepak uses the separation value to check the model. Icepak calculates the distances between objects in each co-ordinate direction and will align objects where their separation is smaller than the tolerance set. As a rule of thumb, the tolerance should be approximately 1/10th of the smallest dimension in the model. This will ensure that any changes in volume will not significantly alter the results. If the separation is set higher than 10%, but less than 50% of the smallest dimension, Icepak will prompt you to either Stop meshing and change manually Continue and change automatically to 10% Ignore and continue If the separation is larger than 50%, Icepak will prompt you to Stop meshing C


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