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Exploring Marketing Research William G. Zikmund Chapter 16: Sampling Designs and Sampling Procedures Sampling Terminology Sample Population or universe Population element Census Sample Subset of a larger population Population Any complete group People Sales territories Stores Census Investigation of all individual elements that make up a population Target Population Relevant population Operationally define Comic book reader? Sampling Frame A list of elements from which the sample may be drawn Working population Mailing lists - data base marketers Sampling frame error Sampling Units Group selected for the sample Primary Sampling Units (PSU) Secondary Sampling Units Tertiary Sampling Units Random Sampling Error The difference between the sample results and the result of a census conducted using identical procedures Statistical fluctuation due to chance variations Systematic Errors Nonsampling errors Unrepresentative sample results Not due to chance Due to study design or imperfections in execution Errors Associated with Sampling Sampling frame error Random sampling error Nonresponse error Two Major Categories of Sampling Probability sampling Known, nonzero probability for every element Nonprobability sampling Probability of selecting any particular member is unknown Nonprobability Sampling Convenience Judgment Quota Snowball Probability Sampling Simple random sample Systematic sample Stratified sample Cluster sample Multistage area sample Convenience Sampling Also called haphazard or accidental sampling The sampling procedure of obtaining the people or units that are most conveniently available Judgment Sampling Also called purposive sampling An experienced individual selects the sample based on his or her judgment about some appropriate characteristics required of the sample member Quota Sampling Ensures that the various subgroups in a population are represented on pertinent sample characteristics To the exact extent that the investigators desire It sh


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