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精品论文 参考文献 背心式约束衣的研制与临床应用 黄羽桃1 戴翠萍1 熊琼芳2 侯尚革3(1广州医学院附属深圳沙井医院神经外科 广东深圳 518104)(2广州医学院附属深圳沙井医院二门诊 广东深圳 518104)(3广州医学院附属深圳沙井医院泌尿外科 广东深圳 518104) 【摘要】 目的 提高护理水平,为患者提供安全、有效、美观、人性化的保护性约束,以落实“以人为本”的照顾。方法 以安全、有效、舒适以及人性化的约束为目标,结合有关文献和实践需要,初步设计“背心式约束衣”,并将其试用于临床上一些躁动明显的神志不清的病人,密切观察病人的情况以及家属的感受,不断改进,制作出最后定型的成品,并用于临床。结果 本研究成功研制出“背心式约束衣”,约束衣为套衫式、其承受力较开衫式约束衣更利于固定约束,且避免了开衫式约束衣中约束带或纽扣等对病人施加的压迫损伤,避免了捆绑约束的直观印象,使“约束”变得舒适、美观、安全、有效,人性化;并且胸腹部隐藏式开口的巧妙设计,更有利于监护、诊查、病情观察工作的进行。结论 “背心式约束衣”对于减少护理意外,提高护理水平具有非常重要的意义,值得在临床上推广使用。 【关键词】约束衣 背心式 研制 应用 人性化 【中图分类号】R472【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-1752(2013)02-0124-03 Development and Clinical Application of the Vest-Strait Jackets 【Abstract】 Objective: Improve the level of care and provide patients with safe, effective and humane, beautiful, protective constraints to implement the people-oriented care.Methods: Goal of a safe, efficient, comfortable and humane constraints, combined with the literature and practice need, preliminary design the vest-strait jackets. And tested in some delirious patients. Close observe the feeling of the patient as well as their families. Continue to improve and produce the final shape of the finished product for clinical use.Results: This study successfully developed a vest-strait jackets.Strait jackets is pullover and its endurance is more conducive to a fixed constraint than cardigan-strait jackets which can avoid the restraint strap or buttons applied compression injury to the patient, avoid visual impression of the bundle constraints and make the binding to become comfortable, beautiful, safe, effective and humane. Whatrsquo;s more,the cleverly designed is more conducive to the work of guardianship, checkups and disease observation. Conclusions: The vest-strait jackets has a very important significance for reducing nursing accidents, and improve the level of care. It is worth to use in clinical practice. 【Keywords】straitjackets vest development applications humane 在脑外科监护患者中躁动发生率高,躁


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